This is a follow up from this question, where the previous problem was solved.

I am trying to employ AUCTeX to produce certain sequences, not exactly symbols, when I press key combinations: ` C-w or ` C-v. Below is what I added to .emacs

(setq LaTeX-math-list '((?\C-w (lambda () "\\Wec\{\}") "" nil)
                        (?\C-v (lambda () "\\Bec\{\}") "" nil)))

It doesn't show anything when I try to press the keys. I made sure I was in LaTeX-mode as well as Latex-Math mode was enabled. I could see Emacs recognises the keys but nothings happens.

  • What's the question?
    – Drew
    Commented Aug 28, 2022 at 21:38

1 Answer 1


I tested this that works like a charm:

(setq LaTeX-math-list '((?\C-w "Wec" "" nil)
                        (?\C-v "Bec" "" nil)))

You can set it with customize-variable LaTeX-math-list.

The doc string of LaTeX-math-list says:

VALUE can be a string with the name of the macro to be inserted, or a function to be called. The macro must be given without the leading backslash.

(Emphasis added).

  • Thanks. It's working. I pretty much tried everything but that simple name and then I read backlash is added .For the purpose of understanding better, can you tell why my version didn't work?
    – Celdor
    Commented Aug 28, 2022 at 23:11
  • Also, is it possible if I add braces {} to hold a cursor inside or that would be too complicated?
    – Celdor
    Commented Aug 28, 2022 at 23:13
  • You had a leading backslash in the value: you are supposed to give the name of the macro without a leading backslash.
    – NickD
    Commented Aug 29, 2022 at 1:58

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