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25 votes
2 answers

How to view and edit pdf files in emacs?

I heard that we can view pdf files in emacs. Is it done by converting pdf files to plain texts first? Can we view pdf files at its fullness in emacs? can we edit pdf files in emacs? Thanks.
Tim's user avatar
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improve doc-view display quality

The fonts in my pdf's as displayed in doc-view aren't particularly readable. Is there a setting I can change to improve the image quality? I tried changing doc-view-resolution from 100 to 300, but ...
wdkrnls's user avatar
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read e-books in Emacs

I use eww to read online articles in Emacs instead of in a browser because it is less distracting and I can take notes in an org-mode quickly without switching applications. I wonder how feasible it ...
yi.tang.uni's user avatar
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Org-mode file hyperlinks always use doc-view, can't force it to use external pdf viewer

I am using Emacs 25.1 run with emacs -Q and Org mode version 8.2.10. This problem persists in my customized Emacs with Org mode version 8.3.6. I am attempting to open hyperlinks of the form [[file:...
Zacatexas's user avatar
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7 votes
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Make doc-view use mupdf for pdf files

Of course I already know about I am on Emacs 24.5.1. I am not convinced that doc-view is using mudraw/mupdf for pdf files. (require 'doc-view) (print doc-view-...
vyp's user avatar
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Doc-view not working despite gs being in my path

I have trouble getting the doc-view-mode displaying pdfs. Here's the error message generated : No PNG support is available, or some conversion utility for pdf files is missing. From what I've ...
Literal's user avatar
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How to jump to a page in `DocView` mode when a pdf contains a roman numeral numbered introduction?

Lets say that I am viewing a pdf in emacs which contains a section numbered with roman numerals. How would I jump to page xxii in that section without doing mental math about what that page's number ...
FabulousGlobe's user avatar
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pdf-tools indirect buffers

I am using an indirect buffer of a pdf from a pdf-tools PDFView buffer. This works except the indirect buffer is in DocView mode, and therefore I can't use any of the pdf-tools features in that buffer....
salotz's user avatar
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PDF doc view flickers continously

I just configured my emacs to display PDFs using doc view. But the problem is that the display flickers continuously. It seems that doc view is constantly refreshing the frame leading to an unpleasant ...
Milap's user avatar
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`doc-view-mode` for PDFs not working

For some reason I cannot view PDF files in doc-view-mode. Supposedly if I open a PDF file in Emacs, it should automatically open in the doc-view major mode. If it can't be opened in doc-view, then ...
Thain's user avatar
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doc-view failing for some PDFs, but ghostscript can view them?

When I use docview to view PDFs on my work computer (a redhat linux system) it always works, except in PDFs coming from Springer-Verlag articles and chapters. In that case it gives this error: ...
Victor Miller's user avatar
1 vote
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PDF appears very dark when viewed in DocView on MacOS

When I view PDFs in Emacs using DocView, they appear much darker than they should: I am not sure why this happens -- I haven't changed any settings related to DocView or enabled any minor modes that ...
Ajay Tatachar's user avatar
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How to (mostly) get rid of doc-view?

Since I moved to emacs 25 (25.3.2 at the moment) in every context (org-mode, gnus, latex, browsing url, direct access to file) I access pdf-files in emacs, they are displayed in doc-view. I basically ...
newtothis's user avatar
0 votes
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Why does viewing PGP encrypted PDF fail?

When I try to open a PGP encrypted PDF file.pdf.gpg, then – after entering the PIN in my smartcard reader – a window pops up with an error message: Error: /syntaxerror in (binary token, type=150) ...
feklee's user avatar
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A way to make doc-view fit images by the width of the window automatically

So I have been using AUCTeX on Emacs recently, and I have been using doc-view to display the compiled pdf, but the doc-view standard resolution is too low and the image looks foggy, I increased the ...
Felipe Dilho's user avatar
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doc-view rendering of pdf files

I have emacs 27.2 installed on my M1 Macbook pro. With a lot of pdfs when I first visit the file from dired, the font rendering is badly messed up -- a lot of the characters are replaced either by ...
Victor Miller's user avatar