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Calling a function interactively without adding it to the command history

In some cases, I often run the same command, say my-common-fun, which I call subsequently with M-x M-p RET, and occasionally run another command, such as my-occasional-fun. I want to call the latter ...
emonigma's user avatar
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How do I persist M-x calls so they can be displayed in MRU order?

I would like it if my Emacs were to save the M-x calls in most-recently used order and if this order could persist and grow across restarts/other sessions. I am using Helm, so I guess I should be ...
kuwze's user avatar
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How to make M-x and C-h f share the history?

It's quite common that I'll look through a command's documentation with C-h f, and then invoke the command with M-x immediately afterwards. Right now, the shortest way I've found to “invoke the last ...
Malabarba's user avatar
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