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Questions tagged [history-variables]

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Find out most recently used command (regardless of terminal input)

I previously asked this question about cycling through recently used tabs, and nobody could come up (yet) with something like I was looking for. However, I found that basically all the ingredients to ...
Alexander Praehauser's user avatar
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Calling a function interactively without adding it to the command history

In some cases, I often run the same command, say my-common-fun, which I call subsequently with M-x M-p RET, and occasionally run another command, such as my-occasional-fun. I want to call the latter ...
emonigma's user avatar
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How can I view the history of what variable I've looked up before with describe-variable?

Whenever I call (describe-variable) , there is no history of what variables I've recently viewed. Is there a way to enable it to have some kind of history?;)
Jason Hunter's user avatar
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2 answers

Make counsel-minibuffer-history persistent over emacs sessions

I want to quickly access recently visited files with ivy/counsel. In my init.el I have: (use-package counsel :bind (("M-x" . counsel-M-x) ("C-x b" . counsel-switch-...
Durtal's user avatar
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1 answer

Erase Duplicates in execute-extended-command

Whilst M-ping back through history in execute-extended-command, I see many commands are ones which have already appeared earlier (ie more recently). Is there an option which works similar to (setq ...
C4ffeine Add1ct's user avatar
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How can we save all the grep searches (using `M-x grep`) into history?

How can we save and retrieve all the grep searches that we do using M-x grep command into history ?
user982042's user avatar
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How do you avoid pollution of Emacs namespace with "private" variables?

Probably it is misunderstanding of Elisp execution model by I think some variables are only pollute runtime. For example let's consider read-string argument HISTORY. Probably user don't need to know ...
gavenkoa's user avatar
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Using `C-n` and `C-p` to iterate as cycle in `find-file` instead of up/down arrow keys

Following answer related to “Open Recent” in Emacs indicates that After you press C-x C-f, press up and down to navigate the history of opened files. I have added following lines but they do not ...
alper's user avatar
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3 answers

Buffer-local input history for read-from-minibuffer

I've been trying to create a command that, when run, calls another function (my-function) which reads from the minibuffer and does some processing on the input. I want the command history for this ...
Federico's user avatar
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1 answer

In which variable are past sparse tree queries saved

I'm executing sparse tree queries programmatically, and I'd like to save the search queries in the same history variable that org-mode uses by default. I'm guessing I can/should do this with add-to-...
Ivan Perez's user avatar
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Possible to save winner history winner-ring-alist in savehist or desktop-save to save across sessions

I added in the following command to my .emacs but it doesn't seem to work: (add-to-list 'savehist-additional-variables 'winner-ring-alist) Is there a way to get the winner-undo history to save ...
J Spen's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How do I persist M-x calls so they can be displayed in MRU order?

I would like it if my Emacs were to save the M-x calls in most-recently used order and if this order could persist and grow across restarts/other sessions. I am using Helm, so I guess I should be ...
kuwze's user avatar
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Icicles - not show all history commands

Windows 10, Emacs 26.1, Icicles, In scratch buffer I search text "buffer" by command "I-Search" 2.Open test.txt and run command "replace-string" Start helm-occur and set pattern hello Then I want ...
a_subscriber's user avatar
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How show minibuffer's history of commands

windows 10, Emacs 25.1, Helm I open buffer scratch and execute 3 commands sequence: M-x I-search helm-occur replace-string here sreenshots: Nice. It's work fine. But now I want to show in list ...
a_subscriber's user avatar
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2 answers

Where does the Python shell from `run-python` store its input history?

As in the question title, I want to know where the inferior Python shell stores its command history (the history you cycle through through with the up arrow). I've been searching high and low. I'm ...
Zorgoth's user avatar
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Can I exclude .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG from file-name-history?

Is there a way to exclude .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG files from file-name-history? Now that I'm authoring commits with Magit, those commit message files are often the most recent entries in file-name-history,...
ivan's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How can I create mode-local variables?

I'm looking to create a command which stores a kind of "history" for the current major-mode. I need the variable to be independent for each major mode, but consistent across all buffers in any ...
JCC's user avatar
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2 answers

How to reuse last input in command with a prompt?

Some existing functions have ability to remember last input, which you can use in the next command call - for example, replace-string will suggest the last replacement by default, while isearch will ...
MatthewRock's user avatar
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High CPU/memory usage and abnormally large savehist file?

I'm starting to use Spacemacs and occasionally I get stuck with Emacs beginning to require infinite amount of CPU and memory. Inspecting my .emacs.d/.cache folder reveals that the file savehist is 1....
xji's user avatar
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Specifying how history is managed for each buffer

After editing a couple of encrypted files with Emacs and EasyPG Assistant I realized that parts of those files were still stored in various lists within Emacs, e.g the kill-ring and the minibuffer ...
thkala's user avatar
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zsh EXTENDED_HISTORY corrupts shell-mode history

I use zsh with the EXTENDED_HISTORY option, which makes it so that in the shell history timestamps are stored which is useful for going back and diagnosing how you screwed up production. I'm trying to ...
Joseph Garvin's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Are there any libraries in Emacs or the wider package system for automatically persisting variables

I have a number of variables that store useful state that would be nice to persist across restarts of Emacs. Are there any libraries that allow this to be done simply so I can avoid a bunch of ...
stsquad's user avatar
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Remembering history between sessions in Inferior Emacs Lisp Mode

I can't make Emacs remember the history for *ielm* buffers between sessions. As far as I can tell, such history is recorded in the buffer-local variable comint-input-ring. Therefore I have added the ...
Eleno's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

How to make M-x and C-h f share the history?

It's quite common that I'll look through a command's documentation with C-h f, and then invoke the command with M-x immediately afterwards. Right now, the shortest way I've found to “invoke the last ...
Malabarba's user avatar
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