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Why Does The Highlighted Region Go Away?

I want to be able to select multiple lines and move them up and down as a block, while "jumping" over the line in the direction of moving. Here's the code for moving up: (defun on-ctrl-shift-...
MatX's user avatar
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Strange behaviour using C-<spc> to select multiple lines - first line is skipped if it starts with whitespace

EDIT: The issue wasn't related to whitespace, rather it was my lack of understanding of how region selection works. The selected answer answers the question clearly. I'm basically looking for the same ...
grefl's user avatar
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Selecting phrases in Emacs rather than words or sentences

Notabene word processor has an interesting command that allows one to select phrases, i.e. one selects text up to the next punctuation mark. Hence, in this example: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ...
Edman's user avatar
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Highlight rectangle and non-rectangle selection at the same time

By default, Emacs highlights the non-rectangular selection; alternatively, you can use (rectangle-mark-mode) to show the rectangular selection. Instead, I'd like to always show both, by highlighting ...
Cactus's user avatar
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C-S-a doesn't select text to the line beginning

The Key combination Ctrl + Shift + a doesn't work in my GUI-Emacs to select a region from the position of pointer to the line start. Doing C-h k and the above key combination shows no documentation.
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How to select (and highlight) non-consecutive blocks? [duplicate]

The title says it all. I'm looking for a C- or M- built-in way to select non-consecutive lines and blocks of text, like usual consecutive lines with Shift or C-SPC. I.e. I need a switch that turn ...
bedbad's user avatar
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Make `insert` follow `(delete-selection-mode t)`

When I call helm-copy-to-buffer (which calls insert) with active region in my current buffer, the marked helm candidate is added after the active region. But I expect the active region to be replaced ...
AhLeung's user avatar
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Selecting (i.e., as the region) the current match in incremental search

When searching for a string with C-s, I want to be able to hit some key to exit search mode but still maintain the selection of the match. That way I can immediately start typing and replace the last ...
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