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7 votes
2 answers

All todos: how to set different colors for different categories?

I'm trying to customize my todos a bit. Currently, I use different categories for my todos as such: * TODO customize colors of categories :CATEGORY: emacs * TODO get groceries :CATEGORY: errands ...
theQman's user avatar
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Is it possible to hide TODO timestamps in Org mode?

Is it possible to hide TODO timestamps in Org mode? More specifically, I want to keep the timestamps associated with TODO states (CLOSED, SCHEDULED, DEADLINE) from being shown in the Org buffer, even ...
Ben's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Inherit SCHEDULED and priority properties

What is the reasoning behind the design of not inheriting the SCHEDULED and priority properties? Any notable use cases to support this behavior? On the contrary, actually inheriting SCHEDULED (or ...
Alexander Shcheblikin's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Is it possible to place TODO keywords at end of heading

I want to have an org file like this example : #+OPTIONS: #+TYP_DODO: KO | OK #+TODO: KO | OK * Automated tests results [62%] / [5/8] :PROPERTIES: :COOKIE_DATA: recursive :END: ** results group 1 [...
Pierre Téchoueyres's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Agenda to do list sorting

I have 5 tasks from two org files - test and test2. I want to sort all tasks by only priority in the org agenda (To Do list, C-c a t). By default, I understand that they are ordered by (org-file name ...
adithyavr's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Convert outline into todos/checkboxes

If I have outline structure like this: * Tasks ** First ** Second ** Third ** etc is there a simple way to turn all tasks into TODO items or checkboxes? I can of course use replace-string but maybe ...
iLemming's user avatar
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org-mode TODO items not recognized first time

My org-mode TODO keywords are set as follows: (setq org-todo-keywords '((sequence "NITPICKING(!)" "NITS_SENT(!)" "NITS_DONE(!)" "PROOFS_SENT(!)" "PROOFS_RECEIVED(!)" "ACS_RECEIVED(!)" ...
MTS's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Make all done org-mode items invisible (collapsed)

How can I make all done (e.g. DONE) org-mode items "invisible"? I'm using org-mode's "visibility" terminology here, but what I'm referring to is collapsing (folding) those items closed, not making ...
Croad Langshan's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to show appointments in org-agenda in Org v.8?

This entry was showing alright in org-agenda in Org 7.8, if I remember correctly. ** Dinner <2016-02-26 Fri 12:00-13:30> Not any more in Org 8.2. Now, it seems I need to have it this way to ...
Alexander Shcheblikin's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How does (org-agenda-todo arg) work? What does the argument mean?

By trial and error I have found that in org-agenda (org-agenda-todo 'done) marks the entry at point as "DONE". Can you explain why? How can I modify the argument to the org-agenda-todo function (or ...
Alexander Shcheblikin's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Is it possible to set properties when entering a TODO in org-mode?

I want to achieve something similar to this where entering a TODO or WAIT state allows you take note. Instead, I want to make a PROPERTIES where the value is the heading. For example, if I have a ...
THIS USER NEEDS HELP's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How to postpone (skip) an org-mode repeated task by a cycle or two?

I have a repeating task which repeats every four weeks, e.g. ** TODO wash car SCHEDULED: <2015-05-18 Wed ++4w> I would like to be able to postpone this task by, say, two 4 weeks cycles ...
Alexander Shcheblikin's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Org repeated task doesn't repeat when DONE

Following the documentation, I set to DONE a repeated task with C-- 1 C-c C-t but this actually closes the task definitevely. ** TODO Things DEADLINE: <2016-01-17 Sun +1m> After typing C-- ...
Nicolas Scotto Di Perto's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Org mode export: exclude sections with todo keyword

I want to export an org mode document so that sections or subsections with TODO keywords do not appear in the exported output. How can this be achieved? The export-settings documentation does not ...
hrkrshnn's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

.emacs file issues with org-mode TODO tutorials

I am customizing my ~/.emacs file. Specifically, I am customizing org-mode's TODO list feature to include more tasks. However, I keep receiving the following error: File mode specification error: (...
coltsfan's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

in org-mode, how to move point to next checkbox when it's marked completed?

I work with org-mode checkboxes, marking them as completed as I go. * TODO clean kitchen - [X] sink - [ ] stove - [ ] floors I want org to move point to the next checkbox when when it gets marked - ...
incandescentman's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

in org-mode, how to move point to next TODO heading upon DONE state change?

I work with org-mode TODO lists not in org-agenda mode, but within the actual .org files, marking TODO headings DONE as I go. * DONE buy milk * TODO fix car * STARTED call mom I want org to move ...
incandescentman's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

org mode auto order

Is there any option/extension in org mode to auto order certain lists? For example: I would like to order by TODOs by priority or I would like to order by TODOs by state.
Hubidubi's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Org-Mode Level Line Spacing

I am just starting to use Org-Mode as a getting things done application and having some trouble with the Line Spacing (not sure if that is the correct term) between entries. For instance see below: *...
Paul J Warner's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Insert tasks at agenda/calendar view

I am thinking about mimicking Outlook interface on this. Let say I am planning my week, and I see that on Tuesday next week I don't see any todo there. So, I move the cursor to the date and hit some ...
biocyberman's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

how to org-toggle-todo-heading?

The function org-toggle-heading is quite handy to convert existing text into an org heading. Input: pay rent Output: * pay rent The function org-insert-heading has an analogous org-insert-todo-...
incandescentman's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Org-mode: Automatic fill-paragraph for TODO Closing Note?

In Emacs org-mode, I like to use TODO items. I switched on the automatic closing note, when an entry is marked DONE. A small annoyance is that the fill behavior of the closing note usually changes ...
jjokella's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

make org-blank-before-new-entry distinguish between a TODO list and a text outline?

Like many of us, I use org-mode for two different things: As a TODO list manager As a text outliner I'd like my blank lines to work differently based on context. TODO list: no blank lines ...
incandescentman's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Display org-todo-list of entries with deadlines?

Is there a way to get a list of org-mode entries with deadlines? Ideally with the deadlines displayed and ordered by deadline. I haven't found anything like this. The closest thing I find is org-...
emacsomancer's user avatar
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