I have emacs 27 on MacOS running in -nw mode. I have prelude installed. It comes with projectile.
I regularly work on two git repos in my disk.
In any given day, I would open files in both those folders. When I press C-x C-b, my list is littered with files from both my clients, and it would be cool to see a "project based" view of it.
The projectile GitHub readme says I can "switch between projects you have worked on". How?
That same readme also links to a plugin "https://github.com/bbatsov/persp-projectile", that also seems to do what I need. If that's a better option, how do I use it?
FYI "C-x C-b runs the command ibuffer (found in global-map), which is an interactive autoloaded compiled Lisp function in ‘ibuffer.el’."