The org-export-backends
variable contains the backends that should always be available. In Emacs 24/Orgmode 8, it will be (ascii html icalendar latex)
, which is why the ODT options aren't shown.
You have to customize the variable, e.g. M-x customize-option RET org-export-backends RET
Org Export Backends:
[X] ascii Export buffer to ASCII format
[ ] beamer Export buffer to Beamer presentation
[X] html Export buffer to HTML format
[X] icalendar Export buffer to iCalendar format
[X] latex Export buffer to LaTeX format
[ ] man Export buffer to MAN format
[ ] md Export buffer to Markdown format
[ ] odt Export buffer to ODT format <-----------
[ ] org Export buffer to Org format
[ ] texinfo Export buffer to Texinfo format
[ ] C confluence Export buffer to Confluence Wiki format
[ ] C deck Export buffer to deck.js presentations
[ ] C freemind Export buffer to Freemind mindmap format
[ ] C groff Export buffer to Groff format
[ ] C koma-letter Export buffer to KOMA Scrlttrl2 format
[ ] C RSS 2.0 Export buffer to RSS 2.0 format
[ ] C s5 Export buffer to s5 presentations
[ ] C taskjuggler Export buffer to TaskJuggler format
Keep in mind that the variable must be known, so you might need to enable org-mode
at least once.
Note that Emacs 25 provides ODT as default export. Unless you're stuck on Emacs 24 I recommend you to update your installation.