I understand that in magit the normal way to commit after editing the commit message buffer would be C-c C-c

However in using git from the command line --- with Emacs as the editor for commit messages --- I have gotten used to the keystroke combination for saving the commit message C-x C-s and then killing the buffer C-x k Enter. Is there a way I could continue to do this using magit? In the default magit configuration, the normal keystrokes that I use for killing the buffer are aborting the commit.

  • Please clarify exactly how you "use[d] to the keystroke combination for saving the commit message and then killing the buffer": I can guess C-x C-s for saving but there are various ways to kill a buffer.
    – Stefan
    Commented May 26, 2018 at 20:18
  • 1
    Your issue seems to be that you find typing C-c C-c an unfamiliar way to take action, but I would firmly recommend that you simply take time to learn that, because C-c C-c is a very common way to take action in Emacs, and crops up in a multitude of libraries. I count more than 80 instances of the binding in core Emacs alone, without even looking at ELPA packages. This is highly unlikely to be the only time you encounter it.
    – phils
    Commented May 27, 2018 at 0:28

2 Answers 2


I guess you could unbind C-x C-s and then bind C-x C-s C-x k <RET> to the same command as C-c C-c: with-editor-finish (probably easiest with bind-key).

But I would suggest retraining your muscle-memory, it'll save you keystrokes in the long run.

  • Thank you for your answer! I have another question: why does C-c C-c sometimes do nothing after editing a commit message? Now I know that to end my editing, I can invoke with-editor-finish function! Commented Dec 6, 2022 at 17:47

I will edit with a more detailed answer when I'm on a computer, but a simple fix would be to simply record a macro with the regular C-c C-c C-x k, then simply bind it to your desired set of keystrokes.

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