Consider the following headline structure with tags:
* Recipes :recipe:
** Pizza :unhealthy:
*** Ingredients
*** How to
** Burrito :unhealthy:
*** Ingredients
*** How to
** Salad :healthy:
*** Ingredients
*** How to
Let's assume I want to get all my unhealthy recipes. So I filter my agenda for the tags :recipe:unhealthy:
. The problem is, now I get Pizza and Burrito, but also their sub headlines Ingredients and How to, which I am not really interested in at this moment. I just want to get my unhealthy recipes, right?
Result should be:
Pizza :recipe:unhealthy:
Burrito :recipe:unhealthy:
Is there a way, so that tags are only inherited on the headlines that themselves also have a tag? In this case, :recipe:
will only be inherited to Pizza, Burrito and Salad, but not to Ingredients and How to. The tag :unhealthy:
will also not be inherited to Ingredients and How to, as they do not have any tags.
I do not really want to use tag hierarchies, because not everything that will be tagged with :unhealthy:
is a recipe.
I am also happy with other ways of solving this problem.
to your search.