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Questions tagged [org-tags]

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Cannot get tags from `org-clock-get-table-data`

I got an org file like this: * TODO One :ONE: :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2024-11-17 Sun 19:06]--[2024-11-17 Sun 20:06] => 1:00 :END: * TODO Two ...
J...S's user avatar
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Enable emojis in Org-Mode tags?

By default you can't use emojis in tags when using org-mode. Is there a simple or not so simple way to enable it? E.g. + [ ] Text0 :💀:tags: + [ ] Text1 :💀:foo: + [X] Text2 :🎮:bar: + [ ] Text3 :💗:...
01AutoMonkey's user avatar
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How to set `org-tag-alist` locally within a function?

I have been reading about the fast tag selection interface in the manual, and I would like to use it, but only in some cases. When I set tags for some kind of topics grouping, I am fine using the ...
lyndhurst's user avatar
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How can I check if a todo has a previous todo sibling?

I am trying to automatically toggle a 'blocking' tag to a todo entry based on certain conditions. The tag label is #Ordered. I have two todo keywords EPIC and PHASE that should receive this tag when ...
lyndhurst's user avatar
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Is it possible in Org-mode to disable the jump to tags upon entering a space at the end of a heading?

In Org-mode, I have the tags right next to the heading text, separated by a single space (i.e. org-tags-column = 0). Now, if I have a heading with existing tags, and I place the cursor at the end of ...
aaa's user avatar
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org-mode: per-exporter #+SELECT_TAGS & #+EXCLUDE_TAGS?

Problem statement In Emacs org-mode, I am looking for a way to define #+EXPORT_EXCLUDE_TAGS (which defaults to :noexport) and #+EXPORT_SELECT_TAGS on a per-exporter basis, such that they apply only to ...
Florian H.'s user avatar
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Programmatically use org-tags-view to search in current subtree

I am looking for a way to programmatically search for headings in the current subtree. More specifically, I have a vocabulary file, in which I store words I need to learn. Each word is a subtree in ...
Zelphir Kaltstahl's user avatar
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Setting Properties for org-mode whole buffers

Context: I am looking for a clean way to declare buffer level metadata to Org files. Some properties can only be declared at level-0 (i.e. buffer level) and others only in a property drawer, which is ...
ics's user avatar
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extend org-tags-view to show body of the matching node

In my org files I have many entries that hold a tag. I use them (among many other things) to create reading lists and such. The org-tags-view then shows these items in a list and I browse through them....
credmp's user avatar
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exporting org-mode tags in latex in separated boxes

Sorry for this elisp newbie question but I'd like to rewrite org-latex-format-headline-function in order to have each tag of a headline surrounded by a box (with \framebox) at export. However, I don't ...
Laurent Jacques's user avatar
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Automatically remove tag

I want to automatically remove 'tag1', from a heading if I either assign a scheduled or due date or 'tag2' to it. Just to clarify, there is: * Some heading :tag1:tag3: If I add 'tag2', it becomes: * ...
deshmukh's user avatar
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Show all inherited tags in format %T, in org-agenda-prefix-format

The documentation says that %T shows the tag of the item. However the documentation states: %T the last tag of the item (ignore inherited tags, which come first) How can I get All the tags (...
onlycparra's user avatar
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Use #+FILETAGS to set all headings the tag :drill:?

I'm trying out org-drill and have compiled a small list of headings that I'd like to set the :drill: tag to. I also read that one can set a "file-level" tag by using the #+FILETAGS method at ...
Jason's user avatar
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Gather all tagged text in one document a la LogSeq

Is it possible to have a flow in Emacs similar to LogSeq whereby the user can call one tag (e.g., #quotes) and have a buffer filled with all the text that matches such tag? I suppose the closer thing ...
Emmanuel Goldstein's user avatar
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How to use org-tag-persistent-alist AND per-file dynamic tags

Reading the org manual about setting global/per-file tags, I wonder if it is possible to use org-tag-persistent-alist AND per-file dynamic tags. When using org-set-tags-command, I’d like to select ...
Victor's user avatar
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How to replace ascii codes with characters in custom settings or buffer?

I customized org-tag-alist using the built-in customization interface. This stored the values in ("tag") . <ascii key value>) pairs like this: ("ez" . 90) ("pin"...
Max Pfleger's user avatar
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Search for tags in the future

I would like to create a custom agenda view for future entries with a given tag (e.g. LABEL). I've tried something like: (setq org-agenda-custom-commands '(("l" tags "+LABEL +...
Nicolas Rougier's user avatar
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Using org-map-entries to add properties to all entries with tags

I'm trying to make a function that will allow me to add properties to all entries in an org file that contain a particular tag ("drill"): (defun add-to-chinese-anki () (interactive) (org-...
Ishmael7's user avatar
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Autocompletion of tags in orgmode

Is it possible to have in the completion window the list of ALL tags ? TAG1 + TAG2 + TAG3 + TAG4+ TAG5
user1683620's user avatar
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Cycle Through Org Mode Todo Tags Based on Tag

I have one org file,, which I use for keeping all of my todos. I have todos of several categories, like: work memory fitness outreach and so on. Is there a way to order these tags to ...
David J.'s user avatar
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Show only the real matches in clock table - without their parent headlines

The clock table of org mode has so many great features but I couldn't find this: I'd like to have only the headlines with a specific tag without their parents. Example #+BEGIN: clocktable :scope ...
rl1's user avatar
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Is there a limit for the length of tag names in org mode? (hanging up by long names)

In the latest version of org-mode (9.3.6) I get a strange behavior. Setup: empty init.el file (just the information to load the latest org-mode package from the elpa directory) empty org file ...
rl1's user avatar
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Clicking on a tag when a date is set in the heading causes "no link found"

I have a heading like so: * First entry <2020-04-01> :tag1: Clicking on :tag1: doesn't work. I see the following error in the mini-buffer: user-error: No link found Clicking on the ...
AEmacs's user avatar
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Org mode tag column setting is ignored

Running Doom Emacs v 2.0.9. My ~/.doom.d/init.el contains: (custom-set-variables '(org-tags-column -80) ) When I add tags using counsel-org-tag, the tag alignment in the current headline is ...
deshmukh's user avatar
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Sort tags in a headline

When we add tags to a headline, they just get appended. For instance, * Head 1 :A:C:B: * Head 2 :B:A:C: Is there a way I can sort these tags so we get: * Head 1 :A:B:C: * Head 2 :A:B:C:
deshmukh's user avatar
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Dynamically filter for multiple tags in org agenda

As far as I can see there are no previous questions on here that address my specific need, despite some being fairly similar. In the agenda view, I can use org-agenda-filter-by-tag to filter for/...
quantum285's user avatar
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How to search by tags in org-mode

Here is a simple file: #+TAGS: math(m) music(u) * Gödel :math: * Bach :music: * Gauss :math: * Beethoven :music: * Mozart :music: Then I tried M-x org-tags-view Match: +math I expected that Gödel ...
user4035's user avatar
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Specific file for pooling tags in org folder

I'm trying to organize tags among many org files. I have a few tags defined in init.el through org-tag-alist and other tags placed at top of files. I would like to set a file for tags in ...
teabow's user avatar
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How to filter a dynamic block column view by tags with a :match selector?

I'm trying to filter an org mode heading by tag in a dynamic block, but the match syntax is not quite working out. Example: #+COLUMNS: %25ITEM %TAGS * Something ...
Thales MG's user avatar
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org-caldav synchronization freezes when using tags

I've finally decided to solely work in emacs, including my caldav-calendars, which I keep synchronized via my personal Nextcloud. I'm new to org-mode and trying to set things up. So far I've managed ...
vdegner's user avatar
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Tag inheritance respecting mutual exclusivity in org mode

Is it possible to have tag inheritance respect mutually exclusive tag groups in org-mode? What I would like to do is set a default tag on a top-level entry, and override it with one of the other tags ...
Milan's user avatar
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Filter for tags in plain org

I am sure this is a trivial question, but I just started out and honestly can't solve it. I have a plain org file. Where I created a couple of headlines, which I tagged. How do I list all headlines ...
user21978's user avatar
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Customizing tags auto-completion

Is it possible to tweak auto-completion of tag names to make it seem like if there were multiple levels of tags? For example: * Movie A :entertainment:movies:action: * Movie B ...
trakmack's user avatar
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Implementing (org-agenda) sort comparison function in terms of presence of list items

I want to implement an org-agenda-cmp-user-defined for use with org-agenda-sorting-strategy and user-defined-up / user-defined-down. In order to do that, I have two lists of tags I need to compare, ...
Croad Langshan's user avatar
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Interactive 'TAGS/PROP/TODO' query limited to particular level of tree?

I want to do a search where I interactively specify a tag (ideally with counsel-org-tag-style tag completion) and get an agenda buffer listing matching items at a particular level of the hierarchy (...
Croad Langshan's user avatar
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How to allow tag inheritance only for headlines that have tags themselves?

Consider the following headline structure with tags: * Recipes :recipe: ** Pizza :unhealthy: *** Ingredients *** How to ** Burrito :unhealthy: *** Ingredients *** How to ** Salad :healthy: *** ...
btobi's user avatar
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Org-export scope subtree: ignore multiple trees with a single tag

I use orgmode to export to latex using the subtree export command C-c C-e C-s l l. Suppose I have a .org file like below: * My main project ** Chapter 1 - Done ** Chapter 2 - Partially Done ** ...
Guilherme Salome's user avatar
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Automatically add an Org tag if some other Org tag is added

I want a mechanism by which if an Org headline has TAG1, TAGX2 is also added to it. This can happen at capture time (preferable) or some kind of a cron job that runs every x minutes, parses all ...
deshmukh's user avatar
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Rename tags in org agenda files

As the title suggests, I want to rename several tags only in agenda files. So, a tag1 will become tag11, taga1 will become someothertag, etc. I can do it with C-a m tag1 * B + tag11 RET C-a m tag1 * ...
deshmukh's user avatar
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org-complete-tags-always-offer-all-agenda-tags does not provide all tags

Running emacs 25.2.2. In my init.el, I have: (org-complete-tags-always-offer-all-agenda-tags t) So, when I C-c C-q on a headline in any org file, I expect it to show me tags from all agenda files. ...
deshmukh's user avatar
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Org Tags mess up on fast completion

In my init.el I have the following lines: (add-hook 'org-capture-mode-hook (lambda () (set (make-local-variable 'org-complete-tags-always-offer-all-agenda-tags) ...
deshmukh's user avatar
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Setting up org-mode tags with groups

Running in emacs -Q I set up this file and added it to my agenda #+TAGS: [ toptag : subtag ] * headline 1 :toptag: * headline 2 :subtag: * headline 3 org-tag-alist now has value (("[") ("toptag") (:...
Hatshepsut's user avatar
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Extract phone numbers from multiple org files

I create one folder per person for my patients. For every visit a new org file is created in a folder with date as file name. The org file contains name and phone number of the person in ...
Vaibhav's user avatar
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Org mode - autocomplete tags

When I try to enter tags, autocomplete is tedious. I do C-c C-q enter first few characters, hit TAB then select. And repeat if I want to add more than one tags. I can do the same by entering : in the ...
deshmukh's user avatar
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Does `@` in a tag have a special meaning?

I see that the only allowed characters in tags are letters, numbers, _, and @. While _ apparently serves to visually separate words, why is @ included? Does it have any special meaning, or a typical ...
9000's user avatar
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How to directly complete org-mode tags with helm?

When using org-set-tags in org-mode headings, the somewhat clunky *Org tags* selection buffer is shown by default. I always press tab in order to switch to helm-mode-org-set-tags, which lets me choose ...
Timm's user avatar
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use org tags inline?

Is it possible to use org mode tags :LIKE_THIS: inline in the heading text, the way #twitter_style tags are used elsewhere? If I add any text after a :tag:, it stops being highlighted as a tag, and C-...
9000's user avatar
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Org-mode hide tags in outline view

Can anyone think of a way to hide org-mode tags, perhaps something along the lines of this solution to completely hide the properties drawer? I would love to hide tags but still have them searchable ...
Adam's user avatar
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How do I get all the tags on a headline, including the inherited ones?

The Org Manual says that a child headline will inherit all the tags from its parent. What function should I use to give me a list of all these tags? org-get-tags and org-get-local-tags both seem to ...
kshenoy's user avatar
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How to exclude several tags from view blocks?

I'm building my composite agenda view in org-mode. I want to exclude some entries shown in the lower block from the upper block since they are redundant. This is what I got: (setf org-agenda-custom-...
shackra's user avatar
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