I'm writing a presentation using Org-mode and beamer. The problem is that all the frames are putted into a single one. I have the following code:
#+TITLE: \textbf{example}
#+AUTHOR: \large{sdjfioa}
#+LaTeX_CLASS: beamer
#+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [presentation,smaller]
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \usetheme{Ilmenau}
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \usecolortheme{beaver}
#+OPTIONS: H:2 toc:nil title:nil
* This is the first structural section
** This should be a frame
but it is not
** This should be another frame
the exported .tex file contains the following:
\section{This is the first structural section}
\subsection{This should be a frame}
but it is not
\subsection{This should be another frame}
And the pdf is like this