My emacs terminal is currently displaying ;0user@Ubuntu: ~user@Ubuntu:~$". This happened after my friend was using my laptop, and is persisting after uninstalling and reinstalling emacs, as well as deleting .emacs related files. I have tested the terminal on emacs on different accounts on my laptop, and it is not suffering from this, so migrating my files is an option, but annoying. Does anyone have a way of fixing the terminal on emacs? I'm running Ubuntu as well.
1 Answer
The problem ended up being in my .bashrc file in my home directory. The issue was the PS1 value under the case "$TERM" in
clause had somehow been modified. I changed this value to PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w\$ '
to reset it back to the default.
shell prompt, by the looks of it. What doesecho $PS1
tell you (from a shell in that terminal) ?