You could postprocess org-agenda-format-item
and add your own trimming function. Here is an example that removes my(!) todo keywords and strips the priority down to just one letter:
(defun myTrim (s)
; remove todo keyword and trimp priorities to just one letter
"[]#[]" ""
(replace-regexp-in-string "\\(TD\\|NX\\|WT\\|DN\\) " "" s)))
Adjust this to your needs. Then you can turn the stripping off and on by adding or removing the advice:
(advice-add 'org-agenda-format-item :filter-return #'myTrim)
(advice-remove 'org-agenda-format-item #'myTrim)
I am pretty sure this will break something. I lost the fontification of the priority, but you wanted to remove the priority entirely, so this won't hurt you. Sorting by priority is probably also endangered.
(setq org-agenda-todo-keyword-format "")
. I do not know how to hide priorities.