I'm writing a syntax highlighting mode and am trying to highlight certain arguments, only if they are following a specific word.
I've written a MWE to show my problem:
(defvar mwe-builtin-list '("func" "proc" "height"))
(defvar mwe-args-list '("high" "low" "meduim"))
(setq mwe-builtin-regexp (regexp-opt mwe-builtin-list 'symbols))
(setq mwe-args-regexp (concat "height " (regexp-opt mwe-args-list)))
(defvar mwe-font-lock-keywords
(,mwe-builtin-regexp (0 font-lock-builtin-face))
(,mwe-args-regexp (2 font-lock-keyword-face)) ;; <- Not working
(define-derived-mode mwe-mode prog-mode "MWE-mode"
"Major mode for MWE mode to tinker with syntax highlighting"
(font-lock-add-keywords nil mwe-font-lock-keywords))
(provide 'mwe-mode)
For the example buffer which contains:
# words should have font-lock-builtin-face (working)
# word "height" should have font-lock-builtin-face (working)
# word high|low should have font-lock-keyword-face (not working)
height high
height low
# should not be highlighted as out of context
All the "func|proc|height" words are highlighted correctly, but the high|low arguments in the second paragraph aren't highlighted.
I don't want to simplify the mwe-args-regexp to match all instances of "high|low|medium" as I want the third paragraph to not be highlighted (the arguments are there, but not in the correct context to be highlighted)
etc. would be main regexp andhigh
etc. the secondary. By default, the secondary is matched from the point to the end of the line, but it's possible to adjust the scope. Another is to search forhigh
using code and add an extra check that it is in the correct scope.