I saw the org-ql package quite recently and was sort of excited that it might be able to jquery / xpath style querying. But having a look at org-ql I could not quickly find a way of doing this with org-ql?

Is it possible to programmatically find the descendants of a heading with a certain name? E.g. if point is at a certain heading, how do I find the position of a heading which is a descendant of the first heading and has this name? What about if I just want to search the children?

Case 1

* Other
* Start <- cursor is here
** Child
*** descendant I want

I want a function (preferably one in a library)

(find-org-descendant "descendant I want")

That will return the position of this descendant

Case 2

Find children rather than descendants.

(find-org-child "Child")
  • I made some edits guessing at what you meant, but please review and make sure that I have not distorted what you meant. Can you also expand the last question ("What about the children?") - I don't know what you mean.
    – NickD
    Commented Mar 15, 2023 at 13:42
  • 1
    I've expanded a little. I wanted the position/mark rather than a path - mostly because I don't immediately know how to navigate org trees using paths. Regarding children - I meant how do I search children rather than descendants. I've made this clear and add some case studies
    – Att Righ
    Commented Mar 15, 2023 at 16:01

2 Answers 2


I am not sure if a library that does exactly this exists already, but you can easily implement such functionalities using the org-element-api.

Don't forget to study the API's function docstrings, and read the initial comment in org-element.el.

Then your functions could be implemented e.g. as follows:

;; it seems that we do not get contents when using the local parse
;; functions `org-element-at-point' or
;; `org-element-context'. Therefore we narrow to the `headline'
;; element and use `(org-element-parse-buffer)'
(defun find-org-descendant (regexp)
  (let ((descendant (org-element-map
                            ;; first walk up to top level
                            (while (/= (org-current-level) 1)
                              (org-up-heading-all 1))
                      (lambda (h) ; filter out headline
                        (when (string-match-p regexp (org-element-property :raw-value h))
                      nil t))) ; look up the meaning of these args in docstring
    (org-element-property :begin descendant))) ; now get the position

(defun find-org-child (regexp)
  (let ((child (org-element-map
                       (while (/= (org-current-level) 1)
                         (org-up-heading-all 1))
                 ;; (apply-partially #'org-element-property :raw-value)
                 (lambda (h)
                   (when (string-match-p "child" (org-element-property :raw-value h))
                 nil t 'headline)))
    (org-element-property :begin child)))
  • Thanks for the answer. Obviously this is very useful... a nice third party library would be great it is existed...
    – Att Righ
    Commented Mar 17, 2023 at 10:57

This came up again. I worked out how to create a predicate for this in org-ql.

The following finds all headings under the current heading.

(org-ql-defpred my-org-ql-at (point)
  "Search for entries precislely at point"
  :body (progn (message "point" point) (= (point) point)) )

(org-ql-query :select '(point) :from (current-buffer) :where `(ancestors (my-org-ql-at ,(save-excursion (org-back-to-heading) (point)))))

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