Given a simple org-mode outline (i.e. consisting only of heading lines) in its OVERVIEW global state (IOW, only the top-level nodes are visible), I want to make simultaneously visible all the nodes that mention a given substring.

From the point of view of this aim, Emacs' standard isearch-forward (C-s) command has two shortcomings:

  1. in a given search, only the "current" match is visible; I can reveal subsequent matches by repeatedly hitting C-s, but only one1 matching node is visible at a time.
  2. revealing all matches requires hitting C-s for each match, which is tedious or impractical when the number of matches is large.

Therefore, I'm looking for a way to reveal all the matching nodes at once, and to do so in a way that minimizes the number of "open" nodes. (IOW, any node that does not contain additional matching nodes among its strict descendants should remain closed.)

How can I achieve this?


Consider this artificial example in which the "leaf-level" headings are all 27 length-3 combinations of the characters a, b, and c, and the headings of intermediate nodes represent prefixes of their descendant headings. (Thus, the leaf node with heading abc is a child of the node with heading ab, which in turn is a child of the node with heading a.)

In the initial (i.e. OVERVIEW) state, this outline would look like this:

* a...
* b...
* c...

Now, if I perform the desired operation (as described above) on this outline, using the substring ab as my search term, the outline should look like this:

* a
 * aa
  * aaa
  * aab
  * aac
 * ab
  * aba
  * abb
  * abc
 * ac...
* b
 * ba
  * baa
  * bab
  * bac
 * bb...
 * bc...
* c
 * ca
  * caa
  * cab
  * cac
 * cb...
 * cc...

Note that the only "open" nodes are those that must be open in order to reveal nodes containing the substring ab.

EDIT: Following up a suggestion in the comments, below is the result of running C-c / / ab on the example's outline:

* a
 * aa...
  * aab...
 * ab
  * aba
  * abb
  * abc...
* b
 * ba...
  * bab...
* c
 * ca...
  * cab...

This does not really match the description of the desired result, as given in the example, but it is not a bad alternative.

1 Well, not precisely: in addition to the current matching node, any other matching node that happens to be an ancestor of the current one will be visible as well, but only as a "byproduct" of the current matching node's visibility.

  • Have you tried C-c /?
    – Malabarba
    Commented Feb 20, 2015 at 15:46
  • @Malabarba: as explained in my latest EDIT, C-c / / does not produced the desired results, is specified in the original problem statement, but what it does produce is a useful enough alternative that I'd be glad to accept it if you care to post it as an answer.
    – kjo
    Commented Feb 20, 2015 at 17:04
  • @Malabarba Ah nice, I've never used Sparse trees before. Much better then my answer, being already part of org-mode. :)
    – ooi
    Commented Feb 20, 2015 at 17:43

2 Answers 2


The command you're looking for might be org-sparse-tree, bound to C-c /. While it doesn't do exactly what you asked, it gets pretty close and is a lot more versatile.

When you hit C-c / you'll be prompted with this message:

Sparse tree: [/]regexp [t]odo [T]odo-kwd [m]atch [p]roperty
             [d]eadlines [b]efore-date [a]fter-date [D]ates range
             [c]ycle through date types: scheduled/deadline

To do a substring search, hit / again and type the string. Unlike a regular search, this will immediately create a sparse tree of the matches, resulting in something like this:

* a
 * aa...
  * aab...
 * ab
  * aba
  * abb
  * abc...
* b
 * ba...
  * bab...
* c
 * ca...
  * cab...

As you can see, it only shows matches and their parents. This is different from you what you asked, because it doesn't completely expand a tree when one of its childs matches (it only shows the matching child). It may or may not be enough for you.


Function below will:

  • Prompt user for regexp
  • Collapse all headings
  • Start searching for regexp from the beginning of the buffer
  • Display context around found matches

Differences from the original request:

  • Content is searched as well, not only headings
  • Siblings are not displayed

Function definition:

(defun org-show-search-term-context ()
  "Show context for the search term"
  (let ((search-term (read-from-minibuffer "Regexp search: ")))
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (while (re-search-forward search-term nil t)

Mapping to C-c s:

(eval-after-load 'org
  '(define-key org-mode-map (kbd "C-c s") 'org-show-search-term-context))

I'm new to Emacs Lisp so if I something can be improved, let me know.

  • +1! Even though in the end I picked the answer with the built-in alternative, I found yours very instructive. Thanks!
    – kjo
    Commented Feb 20, 2015 at 21:09

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