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Questions tagged [ctags]

A tool that indexes the symbols (functions, variables, classes, and class methods) of various programming languages.

5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How to generate TAGS tables for JavaScript with React?

I'd like to create TAGS tables for JavaScript ES6 code using React like the following: import React from 'react' import { observer } from 'mobx-react' import { Formik, Form, Field } from 'formik' ...
WilliamKF's user avatar
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Class inheritance tree in ECB

I'd like to see the inheritance tree for classes which I have currently open, similarly to how it ECB shows related files (e.g. I have a class B in my buffer, its parent A and child C are in different ...
mkollaro's user avatar
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How can I list all universal ctags in Emacs format?

For universal ctags, there is a readtags command that can list all tags, but this works only for a lowercase tags file, which is in its native format. It doesn't work for uppercase TAGS file, which is ...
Jason Hunter's user avatar
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ctags file for several languages

I am using universal-ctags to generate a tags file that allows me traverse the code. However the code base I am using spans verilog to C code. My question is this: Can I have the one ctags file that ...
stackQA's user avatar
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M-. takes over my commands and can't execute OR C-g to escape

I am using Emacs 26.3 and trying out ggtags-company-mode to navigate my code base. I move my cursor to a function I want to jump to the definition of, poll_count, and enter M-. I now have this at ...
Mittenchops's user avatar