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Questions tagged [etags]

A program that creates `TAGS` files for locating definitions (primarily of functions and variables).

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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ETAGS with dependencies

I'm trying to use emacs for C development. From here, I understand that in order to see the definitions of functions, I need to use something called etags. My code is: #include <stdlib.h> #...
Mittenchops's user avatar
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find etags not working right from ".txt" file

I use etags to find functions in my C code and everything works fine when I'm in a .c (or .h) file. If I use the find-tag key (M-.) when the buffer is a different type of file (.txt) the tag search ...
ned3000's user avatar
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How to hook a TAG file with Emacs (Git-bash / windows)

I've successfully created a Tag file and could wade through the code using keys like M-,, but every time I need to choose the tag file for searching, so, I am looking for a way to hook the tag file I ...
RaGa__M's user avatar
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