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Questions tagged [exporting]

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How does one set the width of images in org-mode for export to Markdown?

I've tried both #+ATTR_ODT: :width 570px and #+ATTR_MARKDOWN: :width 570px but neither of them work. The image just takes the full width by default. This problem does not happen when I export to HTML ...
Tfovid's user avatar
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How to show comments on an HTML exported from Org-Mode?

I'm working on updating the social status of a company. The original document has been made with Org-Mode and exported to PDF. In order to keep track of the modifications I'm putting the old parts ...
crocefisso's user avatar
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How can I add specific text to the content generated by org-mode export (to Markdown)?

This is my org file: #+TITLE: Post title #+DESCRIPTION: #+AUTHOR: MyName #+DATE: <2022-11-10 Thu> #+TAGS: tag1 tag2 #+OPTIONS: toc:nil *Section 1 Content I would like to export it to ...
martinoidar's user avatar
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Use SELECT_TAGS in properties drawer to selectively export subheadings

When you only want to export subtees with a specific tag - for example "special" - you can use #+SELECT_TAGS: special What is the correct synthax to use this functionality in a property ...
breathe_in_breathe_out's user avatar
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Org mode export subtree to new org file - option missing?

in the manual I see the possibility to export a subtree to a new org file, here. This possibility is also referenced in this StackExchange answer. However, when I hit C-x C-e in my system, the O ...
Mike Anblips's user avatar
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How to export the current buffer with it's syntax highlighting to a WYSIWYG output?

I would like to use emacs to "render" text to an output file. Is there a way to export the buffer with all font-locking to a file? (The exact format may not matter HTML or terminal-escaped ...
ideasman42's user avatar
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How to export a gantt chart in pdf or png format using taskjuggler and/or org-mode

I managed to get taskjuggler up and running along emacs/org-mode. After reading the manual entries here and here I can export my project into html but I cannot export the Gantt chart into pdf, as ...
Ajned's user avatar
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Org mode to latex exports themes or templates

Where can i find some good org to latex export templates, for example, i found some good ones for HTML exports see fniessen excellent work here is there any similar projects for org-to-latex export?
Kouider Benmoussa's user avatar
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org verse blocks: indentation not preserved on export to odt

the org manual says "To preserve the line breaks, indentation and blank lines in a region, but otherwise use normal formatting" you can use #+begin_verse #+end_verse block. if i run emacs -Q,...
martian's user avatar
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How to resize images when exporting to Markdown format?

Is there an equivalent of #+attr_html: :width 500px for Markdown format ?
crocefisso's user avatar
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Is it possible to export an org table into an interactive table?

Org-mode can nicely export tables into html customly. However, these exported tables cannot be sorted or filtered (i.e. are not interactive). Would it be possible to make these tables sortable and ...
crocefisso's user avatar
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Exported org file to pdf with content out of page

I'm writing a document with some long strings on it, then I export the org file to pdf with the classic C-c C-e l p . Then when I check the document, the long string are out of the page. How can I fix ...
Johan Alexis Duque Cadena's user avatar
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Export beamer handout or presentation function in org-mode?

I'd like to be able to call a function to export to pdf (via latex beamer) from an org subtree. Right now I have properties set up like so: :PROPERTIES: :EXPORT_LATEX_COMPILER: xelatex :...
mclear's user avatar
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latex-export image using fancyhdr

I use following preamble in org file to export my regular documents. I want to add logo to right header, but for some reason, the \includegraphics command is not getting exported. Here is the code #+...
Vaibhav's user avatar
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