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Erratic font behavior after upgrading from 27.1 to 29.1 related to --no-x-resources

After upgrading Emacs from 27.1 to 29.1 yesterday (both compiled from source without configure settings except for --prefix) I am seeing erratic behavior of the fonts. The issue vanishes, when I start ...
kdb's user avatar
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Slowly updating text appears to be in overwrite rather than insert mode--but isn't

I'm running emacsclient -nw and I notice sometimes the buffer appears to be in overwrite mode---I'll go to the beginning of a line and start typing, and when I do the existing text does not get pushed ...
Mittenchops's user avatar
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How to change the way control codes are rendered?

ASCII defines some control codes: for example 0x0A for Line Feed or 0x09 for Hoizontal Tab. Emacs gives them a meaning by the way they are rendered. 0x09 moves the succeeding text horizontally and ...
ceving's user avatar
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Accents not rendering properly over greek letters in GUI mode

I noticed that (at the moment) accents are not properly positioned over Greek letters, for example the greek Letter pi (Unicode 03C0) with a combining circumflex accent (Unicode 0302) (used a lot in ...
swhalemwo's user avatar
3 votes
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Can Emacs enriched-text be displayed by other applications, browsers?

Emacs enriched-text stores test properties like font and colours that can be quite useful (colours in build logs, RTF-like documents, etc...) Is there any other applications capable of rendering Emacs ...
PRouleau's user avatar
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Emacs org mode WYSIWYG editing

Intro Is it possible to replicate the following rendering of org mode blocks like in LogSeq? I have done some research but failed to find any kind of solution that would achieve it and I have a ...
noobsaibot's user avatar
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How to export the current buffer with it's syntax highlighting to a WYSIWYG output?

I would like to use emacs to "render" text to an output file. Is there a way to export the buffer with all font-locking to a file? (The exact format may not matter HTML or terminal-escaped ...
ideasman42's user avatar
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What are these underlines shown for whitespace at the end of some lines?

The following screenshot shows Emacs 26.3 (GNU Emacs 26.3 (build 2, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.14) of 2020-03-26, modified by Debian) editing a Markdown file: Note that on some lines of ...
Cactus's user avatar
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(load-theme) at the bottom of .emacs, or manually renders a different screen

Adding this line at the very end of the .emacs file, that loads a default theme coming with the Emacs package, (load-theme 'tsdh-dark) the (main) screen looks like Note the black-on-dark text, the ...
Déjà vu's user avatar
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How to customize the rendering of the straight lines in mode line?

Here are two examples of what I mean: The lines are rendered in a different color as the background, so they are clearly seen: The lines are rendered in the same color as the background, so they can ...
nephewtom's user avatar
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EWW very slow opening of certain pages

This question was asked on stackoverflow. Just cross posting it here for better visibility. I am too facing the same issue. I'm using EWW Emacs browser for opening various remote pages(mostly ...
Kabira  K's user avatar
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Throttle transient-mark-mode highlighting?

When I'm using remote X forwarding to run X toolkit emacs and I press C-SPC and move the cursor around, things get very slow. The emacs profiler says all the time is spent in line-move-visual, but I ...
Joseph Garvin's user avatar
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Is frame background considered a face?

I would like to know if Emacs treats empty portions of the frame as faces. I want to know because I wonder if the background of an Emacs frame is drawn separately of other elements on the screen. ...
Strong will's user avatar
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emacs 25.3 not rendering correctly, especially after resize

The problem is when emacs starts, the right 1/4 of the window doesn't repaint and shows whatever window was behind it. Also on resize, sometimes the font and the cursor get way too big and the ...
Paul C's user avatar
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render image in .org file after creating its link

After I insert this link into an .org file, it looks like a link: [[./relative_path/rock.jpg]] Is there a convenient way to render the image? Opening and closing Emacs renders the image, but it's ...
wolfv's user avatar
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Does emacs use ncurses to render in the terminal?

I was trying to figure out how Emacs renders so fast in the terminal, especially since I think it might have to redraw a large portion (or all the terminal) most of the time. But I haven't yet dug ...
lucidquiet's user avatar
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Copy non-printable characters as displayed by Emacs

Very similar to this question: Copy text as it is rendered by Emacs but what I need is to coy the ^M, ^E and so on characters as they are displayed. (Otherwise the text in clipboard gets truncated).
wvxvw's user avatar
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Programmatically check whether a unicode character will render as tofu

Is there a way to programmatically determine whether a given unicode character will render as tofu in some context in Emacs? Some bug-flavored (U+1F41B) tofu renders in a face using DejaVu Sans Mono:
ebpa's user avatar
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Techniques for rendering rotated text in emacs?

What techniques exist to render rotated text in emacs? By this I mean physical rotation of text by an arbitrary angle and shown inline in a buffer as shown here: (alignment of text in my sample is ...
ebpa's user avatar
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Cancel printing of long string in buffer

Sometimes when in e.g. a Python or SQL buffer I accidentally evaluate something that outputs e.g. multiple megabytes of text into the buffer. >>> zps = _read_zipfile_container(br.response()....
EoghanM's user avatar
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How can I hide formatting marks after the formatting they define has been applied in markdown mode?

I am using markdown mode with the modifications suggested in the excellent answer I received to a previous question. My aim is to have basic rendering capabilities within emacs itself so I can ...
terdon's user avatar
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Can I take vector (SVG) screenshots of Emacs?

The gtk-vector-screenshot program can be used to take vector screenshots of Gtk-3 applications. It seems to work by asking the application to redraw itself onto an SVG canvas. Emacs on GNU/Linux can ...
Clément's user avatar
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Emacs 24 Gui and Retina Display

I've got a macbook pro with a retina display and Emacs 24.5. DocView rendering of pdf are very blurry. There is a few threads on the subjects but they deal with setting a higher resolution which didn'...
ldc's user avatar
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6 votes
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some unicode characters such as "⊆" occupy 3 lines in emacs 24.4.1 on ubuntu gnome 15.04 64bit

Not every unicode character occupies 3 lines, but '⊆', '∈', and other unicode mathematical symbols occupy 3 lines in emacs on my system. How can I fix this rendering bug?
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Copy text as it is rendered by Emacs

I have Emacs doing a bunch of smart things to display text for me. In particular, some text has the invisible property set, and I'm running adaptive-wrap with <!-- adaptive-wrap-extra-indent: 3 --&...
kuzzooroo's user avatar
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Emacs is blurry on scaled Windows displays (eg. Surface)

To smooth my embedded workflow I have succombed to buying a Microsoft Surface. Like the early days of MacOS retina screens Emacs is all blurry. Does anyone know if there is any support for scaled ...
Mark's user avatar
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