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getting macro calls to indent correctly (like defun instead of functions) in common lisp code?

I'm editing a Common lisp (not elisp) source file; bottom right says (Lisp adoc [COMMON-LISP-USER sbcl]). I'm using slime, so I'm pretty sure that's what the adoc means. I have the following in a ...
xdavidliu's user avatar
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2 answers

How to install common lisp with emacs and SLIME when the slime-helper.el is not automatically generated?

I want to get started with Common Lisp and I follow this guide to install it on my arch linux machine. However, this call fails: (load (expand-file-name "~/.quicklisp/slime-helper.el")) ......
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Display function signature in completion popup menu instead of status line with SLIME/SLY in Emacs

What the title says. I'd like the function signature for functions in Common Lisp to display next to the function name in the company-mode autocomplete popup menu instead of at the bottom of the ...
Alexis Purslane's user avatar
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How can I configure Slime to use case sensitive symbols?

In emacs lisp variables are not case sensitive, so if I define a variable x, I can access it using X, but I can modify the elisp behavior by (setq readtable-case :preserve), is there something similar ...
Atreyagaurav's user avatar
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Unexpected indentation in backquoted list starting with comma function call

When I write a backquotedlist that starts with ,( emacs aligns the remaining items to the parenthesis and not to the comma; e.g.: (defun kb-test1 () `(,(hello) fdefef ,(fefesd))) (...
Kasper van den Berg's user avatar
6 votes
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Why does Emacs indent my Lisp LOOP construct weirdly?

I'm using Emacs and SLIME to edit Lisp code. By default, Emacs indents my Lisp LOOP constructs like this: (loop for x across dna1 for y across dna2 count (not (eql x y))) But I expect it to ...
Gustav Bertram's user avatar
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Slime inspector customization (Common Lisp development)

Here follows Common Lisp code, using a datastore library named bknr.datastore (ql:quickload :bknr.datastore) (defclass userdata (bknr.datastore:store-object) ((email :initarg :email :index-...
engineerX's user avatar
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Slime fuzzy completion not working correctly in TTY mode

I have Slime configured with fuzzy completion and it works perfectly when I'm using it in X11 mode (M-TAB, list of completions pops up in a separate buffer, C-n/p allows to choose the right completion,...
Wojciech Gac's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to change Org-mode Babel lisp source code block from SLIME to SLY?

I found ob-lisp.el use SLIME by default to evaluate lisp code. I want to use SLY to evaluate lisp code. How to change it? I found the file ob-lisp.el is short. I tried to change slime to sly. But it ...
stardiviner's user avatar
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writing emacs extensions in common lisp or other languages

Some years ago, I was working on a personal project that seemed to work best with Emacs as the user interface, and Common Lisp (SBCL) as the back-end. The accepted answer on How to use SLIME as a ...
Joe Corneli's user avatar
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Slime creates new window every time you interact with the debugger

While using slime+emacs, I'm having a problem when interacting with the debugger: every time that I choose one of the debugger's option, a new window pops up in Emacs. For example, when evaluating: (...
EuAndreh's user avatar
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SBCL and Slime do strange things when I try to use Serapeum

I'm getting very strange behaviour when I try to C-c C-k the following code into the SLIME REPL running SBCL: (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (ql:quickload "serapeum")) (...
Koz Ross's user avatar
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15 votes
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How to use SLIME as a proxy between Common Lisp program and Emacs Lisp?

I'm looking into doing the following: I have a program written in Common Lisp, which I want to be able to communicate with Emacs. The program deals with natural language parsing, so the things I'd ...
wvxvw's user avatar
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Creating permanent fixed buffer for CLHS lookup

Suppose I open one window with a Common Lisp file in it, and a second window with SLIME REPL in it (using M-x slime or whatever). Now, doing C-c C-d h with point on a Common Lisp keyword brings up a ...
Faheem Mitha's user avatar