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Multiple Bookmarks Per File

You can have any number of bookmarks to the same file. To different or even the same location within the file. This is true of both vanilla bookmark.el and Bookmark+. Yes, you typically just give ...
Drew's user avatar
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Location to bookmark mapping

I'm not sure what you're asking. You can have any number of bookmarks at a given buffer position or file position. Function bookmark-get-position returns the recorded position of a given bookmark. You ...
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Is there a quicker way to rename bookmarks?

There are a few possibilities: When r asks for the bookmark location (target) you can just use RET to get the default value (no location change). IOW, rename the bookmark, then hit RET. If you don't ...
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Multiple Bookmarks Per File

Give your bookmarks unique names. You can easily have multiple bookmarks into a single file with even plain old bookmarks by giving each bookmark a unique name. C-x r m will call bookmark-set which ...
g-gundam's user avatar
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How to create new bookmark type for use with Bookmark+?

Two answers, depending on what you mean by a bookmark "type": The first answer says how to create a new type of bookmark, in the sense of bookmarks that have some specific behavior. The ...
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Bookmark Plus and pdf-tools/pdf-view error

After discussing this off-site, @Drew provided a workaround to add to one's config file (defun my-bmk-pdf-handler-advice (bookmark) (bookmark-default-handler (bookmark-get-bookmark bookmark))...
nonreligious's user avatar

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