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10 votes

Is it possible to export highlighted text with pdf-tools?

I don't know if it is possible with pdf-tools, but it is possible with org-noter ( Here is a little demonstration: You call org-noter in the pdf buffer. Then ...
chriad's user avatar
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5 votes

Is there continuous scrolling and double page viewing in pdf-tools?

Currently, this is not possible. Several feature requests have been submitted on the project's GitHub page: Feature request: continuous view #27, and more recently, Double pages layout #303. ...
ph0t0nix's user avatar
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5 votes

Call emacsclient from a program called by Emacs

The solution is to run texdoc within an asynchronous process. The best way to do that is probably to use start-file-process instead of shell-command-to-string (which is a handy function for quick&...
Stefan's user avatar
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5 votes

Select a word in a PDF by double-clicking on it (with pdf-tools)

At first, note that pdf-sync binds mouse-double-1 in the minor mode pdf-sync-minor-mode to pdf-sync-backward-search-mouse. So one should probably only bind it in a minor mode that can be deactivated ...
Tobias's user avatar
  • 33.7k
4 votes

Is it normal for a package to request [sudo] in order to install a package? (this case pdf-tools) concerned about password integrity

The reason you were asked for your password was that apt-get install was being invoked to install the additional software (poppler and friends) needed by pdf-tools. 1) Is this typical? No -- the ...
phils's user avatar
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4 votes

Installing pdf-tools on Windows

You need Emacs and cask installed before compiling pdf-tools. pacman -S python pacman -S git curl -fsSL | python git clone
Manish Parashar's user avatar
4 votes

auctex and pdf-tools in 2 separate frames for dual monitor setup

This is a variation of the question about preview the pdf in a split buffer beside the source. You can use the following Elisp code in your init file. If you do not have already two frames. The pdf ...
Tobias's user avatar
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4 votes

How can I get horizontal scrolling in PDFview to work?

I had the same problem and I also discovered the hard way that global-display-line-numbers-mode breaks image-forward-hscroll. I have the following workaround: (defun bugfix-display-line-numbers--turn-...
Tobias's user avatar
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3 votes

Make pdf-tools remember the page I was on

The pdf-view-restore works for me and is available on MELPA. But the pdf-view-restore github page seems to provide more useful configuration instructions.
dalanicolai's user avatar
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3 votes

mu4e: open PDFs with pdf-tools

Recapping discussion in comments: Pressing A e, for "in-emacs", opens the attachment in PDFView. o e works exactly the same.
Heikki's user avatar
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How can I change what happens when I click on a pdf-tools link?

I'll answer your actual problem of modifying the action for following links with pdf-tools. The customizable option pdf-links-browse-uri-function holds a function that receives a string with the uri ...
Tobias's user avatar
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3 votes

pdf-tools-install takes a long time on startup

After having pdf-tools installed (just once), put the following in your init file: (add-hook 'doc-view-mode-hook 'pdf-tools-install)
Konrad Podczeck's user avatar
3 votes

copy/paste text use pdf-tools in emacs

You should be able to use pdf-view-kill-ring-save to send highlighted text to the kill-ring. At that point you can yank it to a buffer as normal.
mclear's user avatar
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pdf-tools indirect buffers

Indirect buffer need special support, since their buffer-file-name is nil. But this is currently not implemented in pdf-tools. So it seems that the answer is no.
politza's user avatar
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pdf-tools auctex question with split buffers

The solution at the bottom of this answer does not work anymore after The extra argument DEDICATE of window--...
Tobias's user avatar
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3 votes

Edit PDF page labels in pdf-tools?

You can do this with the Java variant of pdftk, starting from version 3.1.0. First, create a file with the metadata you want, e.g.: PageLabelBegin PageLabelNewIndex: 1 PageLabelStart: 1 ...
Pkkm's user avatar
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3 votes

error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

TL;DR Go to path/to/.emacs.d/elpa/pdf-tools-xxx/build and run make clean to clean previously compiled contents manually. Restart emacs and let it build pdf-tools. Then, pdf-tools works again :) I ...
Guangyu Zhu's user avatar
2 votes

Emacs pdf-tools writing function

Got it to work! Thanks guys! I added (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.pdf\\'" . doc-view-mode)) and (add-hook 'doc-view-mode-hook #'pdf-tools-install)
Manan Mehta's user avatar
2 votes

Error on pdf-tools installation

pdf-tools depends on the tablist package (which you can find on MELPA, for example). I can't help you with the second error.
politza's user avatar
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2 votes

Preview PDFs with helm-bibtex

Look into helm's persistent actions. Basically allows you to execute an action (like opening the PDF) without ending the helm session. If your helm-bibtex is setup to use pdf-tools for viewing PDFs (...
tmalsburg's user avatar
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2 votes

pdf-tools-install takes a long time on startup

Try setting the variable pdf-view-use-unicode-ligther to nil, according to the doc it speeds up the loading on systems where looking for the unicode symbols used in the mode line (⎙ and 🌙) takes a ...
matteol's user avatar
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2 votes

Share pdf-tools installation between computers?

pdf-tools requires a separate executable, epdfinfo, in order to function. This executable is distributed as source code within the pdf-tools package. As such, it gets compiled whenever you install or ...
Tyler's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there continuous scrolling and double page viewing in pdf-tools?

Maybe a bit late, but there is a fix that works for me, see here: The second-to-last post has a fix which works for me. Place the functions somewhere in ...
mor3dr3ad's user avatar
2 votes

Jump to a string in a PDF document

Apart from choosing the right buffer, this function suggests the necessary steps. (defun pdf-search-forward (string) (interactive "sString: ") ;; Expect a pdf-window, else the highlighting won't ...
politza's user avatar
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2 votes

pdf-tools asking to be rebuilt when emacs is started

just uncomment ;;(pdf-tools-install) in your init.el. If it once installed then it have not to do it every time. That worked for me, had the same problem.
musicology's user avatar
2 votes

Hide empty margins in pdf

Here is my configuration of pdf-tools using use-package. The relevant part to answer this question is the hook of pdf-view-auto-slice-minor-mode. Alternatively, a one liner would be (add-hook 'pdf-...
Ajned's user avatar
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2 votes

Adding bookmarks in pdf-tools

org-pdftools is able to set pdf page links, which can then be saved in an org-mode file. Alternatively, if you want to have something embedded in the pdf file, you can add an annotation somewhere on ...
Ajned's user avatar
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2 votes

Fit window to pdf upon loading

As you are mentioning that you have to call fit-window-to-buffer a few times, I am not sure if this is gonna work, but you might try to delay execution using a timer as follows: (add-hook 'pdf-view-...
dalanicolai's user avatar
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2 votes

org-link to the exact page-position in a pdf file

SECOND EDIT (incl. 'main' answer) As mentioned in the comments, this feature has already been implemented into org-pdftools. However, org-pdftools does insert a permanent text annotation, but I guess ...
dalanicolai's user avatar
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2 votes

pdf-tools latex annotations render in pdf

PDF-tools uses the poppler pdf library for 'handling' the PDF's. As far as I know, it is not capable of adding images to existing PDF's. So the short answer is, no, it is not possible in a ...
dalanicolai's user avatar
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