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How do I patch an Emacs package?

To chime in with a slightly different work flow for loading different versions of packages, here's a couple of variations of what I do, both of which use the load-path to control which version I'm ...
justbur's user avatar
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7 votes

How to generate and activate autoloads for local packages?

The correct solution (IMO) is to use a package manager which has explicit support for this use case. This would be straight.el, which I wrote for this purpose. You can read verbose documentation, ...
Resigned June 2023's user avatar
5 votes

How do I patch an Emacs package?

Good question! The answer is that until now, there was no good answer, since none of the existing package managers were designed for this use case (except for Borg, but Borg does not attempt to handle ...
Resigned June 2023's user avatar
3 votes

Why is hl-line+.el not a package?

It was on MELPA. It's not on MELPA anymore because MELPA doesn't want to pull from Emacs Wiki anymore. It's on Emacs Wiki because that's where I prefer to upload it. And it is a "package" - a single ...
Drew's user avatar
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3 votes

Are there license restrictions for Emacs Lisp packages?

An MIT license is clearly fine, since it is compatible with the GPLv3+. What is less clear is whether it would be legal to release an Elisp package with a license that is not compatible with the ...
Stefan's user avatar
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3 votes

How to migrate snippets of scripts into my own packages?

You can maintain your own package archive locally. It's not much more than a directory containing your packages. You just need to make sure you have an entry for it in your package-archives variable. ...
YoungFrog's user avatar
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How to generate and activate autoloads for local packages?

If you have replaced an already installed package with a different version, and all you are missing is the autoloads file, you can use package-generate-autoloads to generate it: (package-generate-...
Andreas Raster's user avatar
3 votes

How to load only a subset of installed packages

This use case is a terrible deficiency of package.el, so don't use package.el. Instead, use a package manager like straight.el (I'm the author), which was specifically designed to support this use ...
Resigned June 2023's user avatar
2 votes

How do I patch an Emacs package?

I don't think there's a good answer to that yet (I expect you can get a partial solution with Cask, tho I'm not sufficient familiar with it to give you a good answer using it; hopefully someone else ...
Stefan's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I patch an Emacs package?

These are all good questions! Emacs works on a memory-image model, where loading new code alters the memory image of the running instance. Defining new functions and variables is easily undone, if ...
db48x's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I patch an Emacs package?

The other answers to this question, including my other answer, talk about patching an Emacs package by making changes to its code. But people finding this question via Google might be thinking of ...
Resigned June 2023's user avatar
2 votes

How to generate and activate autoloads for local packages?

I do the following on Linux: I setup a local melpa repository by cloning melpa. I modify the recipes I want to point to my local packages. The following is local-melpa/recipies/ace-window (ace-...
eflanigan00's user avatar
2 votes

speed up sml-modeline, is this possible?

The slow-down is caused by calls to line-number-at-pos. As mentioned in the answer by username Constantine in the related thread entitled "A faster method to obtain line-number-at-pos in large ...
lawlist's user avatar
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How to migrate snippets of scripts into my own packages?

Yet another alternative would be to use quelpa, which allows you to use local folders or git repos as sources for package installation. It also has integration with use-package via quelpa-use-package....
deprecated's user avatar
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How to develop a package I also have installed?

Since asking this question I've found use-package & straight can be used for this purpose. Given this use-package example. (use-package recomplete :commands (recomplete-ispell-word)) Can be ...
ideasman42's user avatar
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1 vote

Using straight.el to develop your own package which is also on github

I understand your concerns, but I'm not sure they're founded. Although I'm not a straight expert, I have been using it since at least November 2020. You're welcome to look at my init. My ...
Lorem Ipsum's user avatar
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How to run commands from other packages if they exist, without depending on them?

This can be done using with-eval-after-load which runs after the package has been loaded, or immediately if it's already loaded. Submitting own answer, although there may be better alternatives. (...
ideasman42's user avatar
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Development elisp package

You're supposed to fill in the "TODO" in the Cask file with the actual package file of your project.
GaryO's user avatar
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Whats the correct structure and way to load libraries / packages?

The usual way to bundle elisp code for redistribution to Emacs users is via package.el, which is described in the elisp manual. This information is available from within emacs as well, C-h i m elisp &...
Tyler's user avatar
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1 vote

How to migrate snippets of scripts into my own packages?

A lightweight alternative to making a full-blown "package" that is amenable to the Emacs package-handling system (package.el) and is loadable into one of the existing package repositories is to simply ...
Drew's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I run a package setup only once?

Well you need to save this information somewhere persistently. You might write data to a package-specific config file (see locate-user-emacs-file), but the simplest approach is probably to use ...
phils's user avatar
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Manually installing a multifile package to “elpa/”

package.el does not have good support for this use case. You have to re-run package-install-from-buffer every time you make an update to the package, and also M-x find-function and friends will not ...
Resigned June 2023's user avatar
1 vote

Coedit mode on Emacs

There is floobits. It works OK.
Ista's user avatar
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Coedit mode on Emacs

There's rudel, available on GNU ELPA, which intends to do that (it supports various protocols of communication between the various Emacs sessions).
Stefan's user avatar
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