This keybinding was working on my Spacemacs with evil mode, org-mode, and ivy:
t org-todo
and is listed in the Spacemacs bindings:
Then it disappeared:
SPC h d b org-todo (not listed here)
SPC h d f org-todo (listed but *Help* page shows no binding)
So I reinstalled Spacemacs, but the key binding is still missing. Here is how I reinstalled Spacemaces:
delete .spacemacs file
restart Emacs
answered Spacemacs questions:
What is your preferred editing style? vim
What distribution of spacemacs would you like to start with? spacemacs
What type of completion framework do you want? ivy
Emacs says: Skipping check for new version (reason: dotfile)
SPC f e d (dotspacemacs-configuration-layers)
uncomment 'org' in .spacemacs dotspacemacs-configuration-layers and save
SPC f e R (dotspacemacs/sync-configuration-layers)
Is that the correct way to reinstalled Spacemaces? I am new to Emacs so maybe I missed something.
This might be related: "<t> is undefined" error on first keypress
I am running Emacs 25.2.1, with Spacemacs, evil mode, org-mode, and ivy on Fedora 25.
I reopened my Emacs and 't' worked again. So 't' works intermittently.
I did the following in hopes of making 't' work consistently.
Open dotspacemacs-configuration-layers:
SPC f e d
Add this to ~/.spacemacs file, at top of defun dotspacemacs/user-config ():
;; Single key command execution when at beginning of a headline
(setq org-use-speed-commands t) ; ? speed-key opens Speed Keys help
and dotspacemacs/sync-configuration-layers:
SPC f e R
But typing '?' does not open Speed Keys help. 't' works, but it was working intermittently, so the above install may have effected nothing.
Is that the correct way to install speed keys?
Is there a list of other speed keys compatible with evil mode?
Where in dotspacemacs-configuration-layers should the (setq org-use-speed-commands t) be pasted to? I put it in Add this to ~/.spacemacs file, at top of defun dotspacemacs/user-config ().
Does the 't' in (setq org-use-speed-commands t) only bind 't' to org-todo, or does it bind other commands as well?
The single-key bindings in all work for Spacemacs evil mode, except that H and L are bound to evil-window-top and evil-window-bottom respectively.
Most of bindings from would conflict with evil mode, but probably work with holy mode.
Pressing '?' does not list anything.
t (org-todo) has been working for over a week now. Apparently it was fixed by the issue Jon linked to.
As Kaushal Modi, Alexandro de Oliveira, and Jon suggested, I am NOT using speed keys because I am using Evil-mode.