I am using the selenized light theme and can hardly read the keys in a transient buffer in magit, for example when I commit, because it's a faint light color on a light background.

I could not find any magit-* faces that would affect the popup buffer.

How can I make the keys more visible?

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


After some digging, I realized that magit uses the transient library for popup buffers. It's by the same author behind magit.

I then used M-x helm-colors and entered transient- until I found the faces that needed to be updated. One can use the customize faces to store the modifications directly into .emacs or .spacemacs. But for easier handling, I added these lines to my .spacemacs:

(defun dotspacemacs/user-config ()
  (setq theming-modifications

           (transient-key-exit :foreground "#d2212d" :weight bold)
           (transient-key-return :foreground "#c49700" :weight bold)
           (transient-key-stay :foreground "#009c8f" :weight bold)

  (spacemacs/load-theme 'solarized-selenized-light :disable t)
  • You can accept your own answer.
    – tarsius
    Commented Nov 15 at 21:04
  • @tarsius Thanks for checking, and more so for all your work on Magit. I still have those stickers from your campaign a few years ago, they are amazingly durable Commented Nov 21 at 13:51

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