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org-babel: Pass flags when filtering source code blocks?

I'm currently using org-mode to make some beamer slides, where I'm generating some code blocks and results using org-bable. I'm currently using org-export-filter-src-block-functions to modify the ...
Joey Eremondi's user avatar
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Org-mode code blocks and results side-by-side in beamer export?

I'm using org-mode to generate slides for a class I'm teaching, and one of the things I do is use org-babel to show code snippets, run them and display the results. However, in the generated Beamer ...
Joey Eremondi's user avatar
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Org-babel ignores RESULTS when generating beamer?

I'm using Org-babel to generate a bunch of pdfs from a single Org-mode file, compiling using Beamer. Each subtree starts something like this: * Introduction :PROPERTIES: :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: pdf/...
Joey Eremondi's user avatar
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remove author and date header line to save space

I would like to remove the header line of author and date to save space. I try to set the font size to 0, but it does't work current org file: #+LATEX_CLASS: beamer #+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [...
lucky1928's user avatar
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Unknown "nil" backend with org-export-dispatch for beamer

I'm trying to use a single org-mode file to make a single org file that is exported to multiple slide-deck pdf files using beamer. I've got each tree labelled with a unique #+EXPORT_FILE_NAME: foo....
Joey Eremondi's user avatar
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How can I get color in an example org block exported to a verbatim beamer environment

I am trying to get some color in an example block exported to beamer by doing something like the following #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE case when \textcolor{red}{condition-1 then value-1} when condition-2 ...
Dargscisyhp's user avatar
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When trying to compile the exported tex file, I get the error `Environment org undefined`

I use org-beamer-export-to-latex to export the current org file to latex. When I try to manually compile the resulting tex file using latexmk -f -pdf -pdflatex -shell-escape -interaction=nonstopmode x....
HappyFace's user avatar
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Interfering with org beamer outline export

I have the following org file: #+TITLE: Some title #+OPTIONS: H:2 #+latex_class: beamer * Section 1 ** Frame 1 * Section 2 ** Frame 2 After org-exporting I obtain the .tex, which includes % ...
martinoidar's user avatar
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How do I interpolate elisp variables in org-mode option headers?

I want to achieve something like this: #+latex_header: \input{${PUT_SOME_ELISP_VALUE_HERE}night_beamer_common1.tex}
HappyFace's user avatar
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#+BIND and org-mode asynchronous exporting document

Let's say I have the following org-file: #+TITLE: Presentation title #+BIND: org-beamer-outline-frame-title "My own title" #+LATEX_CLASS: beamer * Section 1 ** Slide 1 When I export this ...
martinoidar's user avatar
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Different spacing in table of contents in Org-Mode Beamer export

This is a follow-up of: In Org-Mode, I use the following code in Beamer export to create 1) a table of content, and 2) intermediate tables of contents ...
kir0ul's user avatar
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Org-beamer export uses different footnote numbering style based on columns

Using org-beamer (Emacs 27.1, Org mode 9.3). I have one slide that does not use columns, and one bullet point has a footnote. The footnote exports with an Arabic-numeral numbering style (1). Another ...
jamshark70's user avatar
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Section Heading for LaTeX Beamer Export - Using LaTeX Heading Optional Argument

I'm working on a presentation by exporting from org-mode to LaTeX beamer and finding need of using a section header with optional argument - this is due to the long name of my sections causing issues ...
AdmiralJonB's user avatar
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Help getting two R plots into a Beamer slide

I am trying to develop slides for a course I am teaching in Org mode compiling to a latex beamer presentation. Overall most things are working fine. But for some reason I am having trouble getting two ...
jds's user avatar
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Table of content in Beamer without slide numbering

I'm trying to do the following: use the metropolis theme when exporting my Orgmode buffer to Beamer with slides numbering, have a table of contents with the numbering of the sections and without the ...
kir0ul's user avatar
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How to modify the width of an image in a column in a Beamer export in Org-mode?

I would like to modify the width of an image in a column in Org-mode when exporting to Beamer but when I try to modify the #+ATTR_LaTeX: width=1.5\textwidth statement, it has not effect on the width ...
kir0ul's user avatar
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Making org to beamer example work [duplicate]

Tried running the example in here: #+TITLE: Example Presentation #+AUTHOR: Carsten Dominik #+OPTIONS: H:2 toc:t num:t #+LATEX_CLASS: beamer #+LATEX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [presentation] #+BEAMER_THEME: Madrid ...
J...S's user avatar
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(Org-Beamer Exporter) I would like to have a LaTeX snippet inbetween frames

I would like to change the beamer presentation background. To that end, I have to issue the following command between two frames (that is, outside any frame) \usebackgroundtemplate{\includegraphics[...
BuddhiLW's user avatar
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No effect when changing BEAMER_THEME

I don't get any effect if I put the following line at the start of my Org-mode file: #+BEAMER_THEME: metropolis Indeed, whatever theme name I write after #+BEAMER_THEME:, there's not mention of it in ...
kir0ul's user avatar
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difference between properties and tags in the upper right corner

I dont get the difference between the actual property, enabling the respective funtionality and the tag on the right upper side? *** Number 5 :B_example: :...
CD86's user avatar
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export to Beamer gets slower and slower

My presentation has like 30 slides, nothing fancy, mostly a couple of bullet points on each frame and in total like 10 small images. Still the export to beamer, i.e. a pdf takes like 10 seconds and ...
CD86's user avatar
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Is it possible to configure a org file for paper as well as presentation using beamer?

I am documenting my work using org mode and babel. I am exporting it to a LaTeX based pdf document by using the header: #+TITLE: Document Title #+AUTHOR: Author #+EMAIL: [email protected] #+...
Sreekumar R's user avatar
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sectioning in org-mode to beamer does not work

I am trying to subdivide my presentation further into section and according to the org docs, setting #+BEAMER_FRAME_LEVEL: 2 should allow for top-level headlines to be interpreted as sections, whereas ...
CD86's user avatar
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Excluding frames from handout when exporting to LaTeX Beamer

I would like to exclude certain slides when I export my document as a handout using the corresponding option #+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [handout]. I know what I need to arrive at in LaTeX to achieve this: ...
wuqui's user avatar
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Export beamer handout or presentation function in org-mode?

I'd like to be able to call a function to export to pdf (via latex beamer) from an org subtree. Right now I have properties set up like so: :PROPERTIES: :EXPORT_LATEX_COMPILER: xelatex :...
mclear's user avatar
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Add a background image to pdf export of an org-beamer file

I'd like to add a background image to a single page in a pdf I am creating with M-x org-beamer-export-to-pdf using the Metropolis theme (no relation). The use of the theme doesn't appear to be the ...
Metropolis's user avatar
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Shrink frames in beamer export from orgmode

How can I send a shrink option to a beamer frame? I already tried with *** frame title :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_envargs: [shrink=5] :END: as suggested in
juanerasmoe's user avatar
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AucTeX not loading beamer class

When trying to use the LaTeX document class beamer with AucTeX it does not load the template. Emacs reports Symbol’s value as variable is void: LaTeX-hyperref-package-options-list after loading ...
EuklidAlexandria's user avatar
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Control depth level of table of contents with org-mode and beamer

I have the following in my org-mode file that I am exporting to beamer on the basis of this simple template: * Introduction * More ** etc * Still more ** Some a ** Some b ** Some c However, my TOC ...
Mittenchops's user avatar
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How to make linked word in org-beamer stands out?

I am using org-mode with Beamer. Using the Barkeley theme, I wrote something like this: To [[][Google]] However, the outputed slide doesn't indicate any hint of the word "Google" ...
Hilman's user avatar
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Org-mode not exporting frames correctly using beamer

I'm writing a presentation using Org-mode and beamer. The problem is that all the frames are putted into a single one. I have the following code: #+TITLE: \textbf{example} #+AUTHOR: \large{sdjfioa} #+...
Gerico0889's user avatar
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how to auto scale images to fit into a slide in org mode export to beamer?

When I insert an image into the slide it gets cropped to fit into the slide. How do make an image to scale to fit in without cropping or padding? To include an image I use: #+LaTeX:\...
A_P's user avatar
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Beamer PDF export: title, subtile, content show one by one

Say, in a slide I have * title ** subtitle content They will appear in the same slide with default beamer export. What I want to achieve is exporting it to three slides with first page only ...
Alaneuler's user avatar
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"Ignoreheading" Beamer Environment doesn't work with :BEAMER_act: Overlay

What I would like to do is the following: I have a beamer frame where I added :BEAMER_act: [<+->]. This works well with all blocks that follow, but not when I set :BEAMER_env: ignoreheading. ...
Berber's user avatar
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How to give attribution to Creative Commons pictures in org-mode

I am making a presentation in org-mode and have some creative commons pictures that I need to give attribution for. I have tried using a footnote with the reference but as the picture is in the right ...
Hantabaru's user avatar
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text after code block in beamer

I want to use org to make a Beamer slide like this: -------------------------------- | | | some text | | | | -----...
Alex Shroyer's user avatar
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Showing Section Name in Each Frame (Org-Mode Beamer)

Roughly, I have: #+options: H:2 * Introduction ** Some definition + list item1 + list item2 This shows Some definition as its own beamer frame (with + list item1..). Question: How can I ...
George's user avatar
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M-x org-beamer-export-to-pdf and C-c C-e l o give different results

The exported pdfs from M-x org-beamer-export-to-pdf and C-c C-e l o give different results. I have frames set to be created at level 1 headers (options: H1), but these headers only create frames when ...
jdtonkin's user avatar
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Export handout with notes using org-mode and beamer

I'm having a lot of trouble getting a nice solution to this problem. I want to export a handout for a beamer presentation using org-mode. I can write a note using \note{sample note}, which creates a ...
jdtonkin's user avatar
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Orgmode export for latex and beamer using the properties drawer

Question: When exporting a subtree to latex and beamer with C-c C-e C-s, is it possible to use the properties drawer of a subtree to define the same properties as one would with #+LATEX_CLASS, #+...
Guilherme Salome's user avatar
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How to change the color of some words in Beamer using Org-mode

I am using org-mode to export to pdf using LaTeX beamer class. How is it possible to change the color of some of the words I use in my slides? I saw an example that uses the @ symbol: @important@ ...
sbac's user avatar
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Using org-beamer: display image on every page except the title page

Using org-beamer-export-to-pdf with the following document, I am able to display an image on every slide #+LATEX_HEADER:\usepackage{eso-pic}% #+BEAMER_HEADER:\newcommand\...
Metropolis's user avatar
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Setting fonts in org-beamer with Metropolis theme

Environment: OSX 10.13.4, spacemacs 0.200.7 Here's a pared-down org-beamer file #+TITLE: A Presentation #+SUBTITLE: A really good one, in fact #+AUTHOR: WallyMetropolis #+DATE: 05-02-2018 #+OPTIONS: H:...
Metropolis's user avatar
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Using org-ref in beamer mode

I am trying to export an org-beamer file to pdf. I have references that I inserted them by using org-ref. I can see some of my references in the last page but not all them because they do not fit into ...
Kadir Gunel's user avatar
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orgmode beamer: set image width for source block output?

This is one of my slides: ** Test image width *** First sub :B_block:BMCOL: :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_env: block :BEAMER_col: 0.5 :END: #+header: :exports results ...
biocyberman's user avatar
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How to hide frame environment in outline minor mode?

I am using AUCTex and outline-minor-mode to produce Latex presentations with beamer. I wonder how I could tell the outline-minor-mode to hide the content of a frame. I am not into LISP by now, so ...
stevosn's user avatar
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How to separate normal text from the frame block?

I just want to make the text appear separate from the above frame box in beamer export C-c C-e l O as in the MWE below. MWE: #+TITLE: Frame or Text? #+AUTHOR: Casual Author #+DATE: #+OPTIONS: H:2 ...
doctorate's user avatar
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AUCTeX folding: don't display error

Here is a common beamer slide: \begin{frame} \frametitle{Test} \begin{itemize} \item \textbf<1>{Item one} \item \textbf<2>{Item two} \end{itemize} \end{frame} This is what it ...
Koen's user avatar
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Org mode: How can I add a section-name only frame to beamer slides?

I currently have: #+options: H:2 and... * Introduction ** Some definition + list item1 + list item2 So I get Introduction section in the Outline, and a frame for Some definitionand those ...
Michael's user avatar
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Auctex imenu add frames to list?

I use imenu in auctex. For beamer slides, it only offers me the \section-commands as entry points. How can I teach imenu to also offer all frames? (Which is an environment: \begin{frame}....\end{frame}...
Jörg Volbers's user avatar