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Questions tagged [preview-latex]

for preview of LaTeX markup buffers to ease the edit-compile-preview cycle. Preview LaTeX is part of the AUCTeX package that replaces snippets, such as math formulas, with a graphical image of the typeset version.

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Low Resolution in Org Latex Preview

On a high res display the, preview produced by 'org-latex-preview' , i.e., 'C-c C-x C-l' is pretty low res and fuzzy compared to text. I found this similar question and the suggested solution was to (...
Priyanshu Kalal's user avatar
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Subtree-scoped #+latex_header: ... for org-latex-preview

In a large org file of latex snippets, I have many #+latex_header: \usepackage{X} commands. org-latex-preview includes all \usepackage{X} commands when previewing a snippet. But some of these latex ...
user615536's user avatar
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How to stop org-latex-preview from turning the whole buffer or file to an image instead of the equation where the cursor is?

I stopped using emacs for a while, then upgraded to the latest emacs and I am having trouble with org-latex-preview. I am not sure what I used to use to preview images but that function turns the ...
userrandrand's user avatar
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Why would this custom org-num-format-function causes a warning when org-latex-preview called?

What I'm experiencing: A custom org-num-format-function causes org-latex-preview warn when it called. Exact warning I'm getting. ⛔ Warning (org-element-cache): org-element--cache: Org parser error in ...
Garid's user avatar
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Debugging preview-latex

Running preview-latex in Emacs 25 on Ubuntu 18.04 once worked for me, but now inserts warning icons instead of rendered images of the formular snippets. A minimal example, which doesn't work is: \...
NicolasBourbaki's user avatar
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org-mode completions within latex fragment

Problem In org-mode 9.6.6 when not in a LaTeX fragment, inserting \ and invoking completion-at-point produces a multitude of LaTeX completions. Doing the same thing when in a LaTeX fragment, I would ...
user615536's user avatar
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Removing certain LaTeX preview matchers from Org mode?

Is there a way to make certain matchers be ignored when I run org-latex-preview? For example, I don't want the TeX dollar signs to be rendered, nor \begin environments. My reason for this is because I ...
daedsidog's user avatar
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Previewing latex in cc-mode

I'm trying to write c/c++ code with comments in LaTeX. My .emacs file has the single line (require 'org) My source c/c++ file has the single line \[ \int x \] If I'm in python mode, fortran mode, ...
user3856370's user avatar
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transient mark mode highlighting not visible inside preview latex

I am using preview latex in auctex. When you are inside an equation there is a blue background around the latex you are previewing, which means I cannot see the highlighing from transient mark mode. ...
Progamer's user avatar
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Adding some padding for LaTeX fragments in Org mode

When writing in Org mode, I have a minor pet peeve where the Org document becomes too "cramped", and so I like to add newlines separating the equations from the text, like this: * Very ...
daedsidog's user avatar
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Use existing LaTeX fragments after updating Emacs

I use LaTeX in a lot of org files, in particular my notes in org-roam. As such I have generated a lot of LaTeX preview images/fragments via C-c C-x C-l/org-latex-preview when creating these notes, ...
nonreligious's user avatar
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Why LaTeX preview doesn't work in org-mode for mhchem snippets?

I'm facing a very similar issue as per question Make "org-latex-preview" load package so that it properly renders "tcolorbox" environments, using the mhchem latex package (version ...
Marco Prevedello's user avatar
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Preview images in LaTeX source code

Suppose I have a latex file like \documentclass{article} \usepackage{graphicx} \begin{document} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{image1.jpg} Some text \includegraphics{image2.jpg} Some text ...
Julia's user avatar
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Auctex preview does not adjust line color of fractions

I am using auctex to preview latex fragments (in the normal latex mode as well as in org-mode using texfrag). I am using a dark theme, so I rely on auctex to convert the foreground color from black to ...
frasel's user avatar
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Org mode LaTeX preview environments

Is it possible to preview in org mode also environments \begin{theorem} hello world \end{theorem} I tried but I can't get the Theorem 1.2.3 header.
abel's user avatar
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Preview while editing long latex blocks

I need to edit latex for my math class. I'm currently using cdlatex mode w/ org-latex-preview functionality. The downside for me is that I can't see the equation as I'm editing it. I'd love to have a ...
Justin Abrahms's user avatar
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Disable header and footer in latex previews

When I write latex to be included in org mode it includes the header styling which is to be applied to the pdf export only. This makes it difficult to use org mode with latex previews. Is there any ...
sab hoque's user avatar
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LaTeX fragments look different to exported PDF (witharrows)

I have problems getting correct latex fragments rendered. For some reason, they look different than the exported PDF, which looks fine. What is not working is the package witharrows, to place vertical ...
Oma Paloma's user avatar
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Change font for org LaTeX-preview

I successfully use org LaTeX-preview to have my formulas displayed as images in my org-mode documents. There is one problem I am facing, though: I need the LaTeX math font to be upright instead of ...
Vitus Schäfftlein's user avatar
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change font style in Latexpreview in org mode

The latexpreview image is very poor. I increased the font size but it is still not good. I want to make the writings in the image bold or use a better font. How can I do that?
user36390's user avatar
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Org-mode LaTeX previews image size too large

SOLVED: REMOVE #+SETUPFILE: HEADER. SORRY FOR WASTING YOUR TIME I am having the same issue as described in this Reddit post from a few weeks ago: basically the preview images generated for a given ...
nonreligious's user avatar
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AUCTeX preview breaks if monitor orientation isn't normal or inverted

When I use AUCTeX's preview feature on a monitor who's orientation is normal or inverted (i.e. rotated either 0 or 180 degrees) then everything works perfectly and the png files from the resulting ...
Arthur's user avatar
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Latex-preview not working; Please adjust ‘dvisvgm’ part of ‘org-preview-latex-process-alist’

i have a strange problem with latex-preview. If the cursor is inside \begin{equation} \frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!} = \binom{n}{k} \end{equation} then the tex file is created and a resulting pdf. BUT no ...
space_held's user avatar
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orgmode - latex new line in tikz node not work

Below code works fine if copy the tikzpicture to tex file. but in orgmode, looks like the new line not take effect! #+header: :imagemagick yes :iminoptions -density 300 -opaque white -flatten -...
lucky1928's user avatar
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How to prevent Org mode LaTeX preview from displaying diagnostic information?

The LaTeX preview within Org mode has "diagnostic information", including "Scale=... Ligature=...". How can one hide that ? The org mode is Org mode version 9.4.4 (9.4.4-25-...
SOUser's user avatar
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Left-align equation previews (Auctex)

I would like to left-align equations in Auctex's preview's generated by preview-latex. I imagine that this would involve putting fleqn in the documentclass options in whatever latex file things are ...
proverIdr's user avatar
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command run in docker-tramp running on the host rather than remote

The setup: I have a docker container connected with a mounted volume containing an org file. The docker container has both texlive and emacs (configured exactly the way it is on my host) installed. I ...
aNaravi's user avatar
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Preview all LaTeX fragments in org mode?

How can I call org-toggle-latex-fragment on all LaTeX fragments in an Org mode doc? I'm coming from Vim, so my instinct is to put something in the init.el that loops through the document and looks for ...
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org-mode How to use latex nested environments?

I want to use a matrix environment that is included in an outer environment, so: Environment: \begin{equation*} \left| \begin{matrix} a_1 & b_1\\ a_2 & b_2 \end{matrix} \right| \end{equation*} ...
sdorof's user avatar
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How can I preview LaTeX "#+BEGIN_EXPORT" blocks? Is it possible to accomplish this with "org-latex-preview"?

The context When editing Org mode files, I like editing code snippets in isolated buffers because that way I can use snippets and language dependent features in those buffers (something which is not ...
doltes's user avatar
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4 votes
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error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Running Doom Emacs 2.0.9 on Emacs 27.1 on Manjaro KDE. When I compile a latex documents, it produces a PDF file and opens an emacs window to display it. But what is displayed is some text and not the ...
deshmukh's user avatar
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Exporting JPG image from LaTeX SRC-block with :async header

I like to generate JPG images from my LaTeX/tikz drawings in my org files. For this, I use constructs like #+NAME: my image #+HEADER: :file my-image.jpg #+BEGIN_SRC latex :results file raw :...
vdegner's user avatar
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Can you render the latex math expressions in the following file successfully:

Can you render using M-x org-latex-preview on the inline math expressions using Org version > 9.0 default settings? For me, I get a weird ...
Joe's user avatar
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org-preview-latex rendering weirdness when a space after initial inline expression delimiter

\(S\) renders fine. No problem here. $S$ renders fine. No problem here. $ S $ does nothing. I wouldn't expect this. Comment below referencing manual explains this case. $S $ does nothing. I wouldn't ...
Joe's user avatar
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Why is latex preview and latex to html export via dvisvgm not working in org-mode?

I read this and this question along with the documentation of org-preview-latex-process-alist pulled up by C-h v org-preview-latex-process-alist RET. Alright, I have an idea about what to do. I put ...
scribe's user avatar
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avoid org-preview-latex to open a new window

I use emacs in frame-only mode and org to typeset latex equations and technical writing. Since it is hard to see and understand the latex equations in their raw format, I use a package called org-...
Elijah's user avatar
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auctex preview at point shows equations for the entire document

I am using the latex-layer (auctex) in spacemacs. When I use preview-at-point it renders all of the equations in the document. Is there a way to really make it render on the equation at the cursor? ...
bobsacameno's user avatar
5 votes
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Getting Latex preview to work with org mode (.dvi not found)

In my .org file I embedded a simple Latex segment: $f(x) = x^2$ Then I use the following command to generate a preview for that segment: org-toggle-latex-fragment But I get an error: org-...
BMBM's user avatar
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org-mode render a particular latex fragment without using cache

Is it possible to override the caching behaviour of org-latex-preview once and for a particular latex fragment? That is, how should I call the command if I want to regenerate the particular latex ...
Mario's user avatar
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Syncing tex source with `savebox`

I realize this is quite an edge case, but I am wondering if anyone can help me. I have source correlation set up in emacs as follows (setq TeX-source-correlate-start-server t TeX-...
Tohiko's user avatar
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LaTeX fragment preview includes font name in Org-mode

Since I have to export some CJK characters in LaTeX, I have the following two lines in an .org file : #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[BoldFont,SlantFont]{xeCJK} #+LATEX_HEADER: \setCJKmainfont{HanaMinA} ...
Firmin Martin's user avatar
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Auctex previews, change foreground color of text

I am using a dark theme and the latex previews from auctex are created with black text color. How can I change it? What I can do is change the background color to white (in Preview Reference Face ...
Georg's user avatar
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Is it possible to use AUCTeX preview-latex in emacs terminal?

I was wondering if it is possible to have latex preview working in emacs terminal. This is somehow related to this question. But 3 years have passed and I'm wondering if anything has changed? For ...
Kirk Walla's user avatar
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asynchronously running org-toggle-latex-fragment

In orgmode, it is quite useful to view the equations inline. However, sometimes this can take a while to execute. Running org-toggle-latex-fragment asynchronously would be quite useful. However, most ...
Quarky Quanta's user avatar
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What is causing this AUCTeX preview fatal error, or how can I find that out?

This is a minimal test file: \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \[1+1=2\] \end{document} The content of texput.log is the following: This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.20 (TeX Live ...
1615244's user avatar
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Cannot generate previews with latex-preview

I am trying to use preview-latex but, when I generate previews, these are not loaded in Emacs gtk buffer, even though previews are correctly produced in the .pdf output file. The error produced is ...
mvphys's user avatar
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Not scape braces in LaTeX org-mode

I am writting a LaTeX document using org-mode, and there is a section where I want to include a proof, which has the following code. #+LaTeX_HEADER: \newcommand{\dem}[1]{\textcolor{gris}{\small{...
Alex Martínez Ascensión's user avatar
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Preview LaTeX doesn't work when I delete the _region_.prv folder

Suppose I create a latex document in ~/junk/text.tex with the following conent: \documentclass{article} \begin{document} $x$ \end{document} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: t %%% ...
Berber's user avatar
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Proper syntax highlighting of $...$ in org-mode

I've put (setq org-highlight-latex-and-related '(latex script entities)) in my emacs config and yet $..$ that contain more than one symbol aren't highlighted properly: How to fix? EDIT: This still ...
George's user avatar
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Auctex preview reportes to run as excepted but shows error preview pictures

The auctex in emacs has worked well before, but recently whenever I run a preview command such as C-c C-p C-b, it shows "Preview-Ghostscript finished at XXX" without any error notice in the log, but ...
Lh Guo's user avatar
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