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18 votes

Info file emacs does not exist

That error is because the full documentation is not installed by default. Solve it by installing emacs25-common-non-dfsg # aptitude install emacs25-common-non-dfsg Test it by trying, C-h i h It ...
music's user avatar
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15 votes

In Org Mode, how do I link to internal documentation?

When in a certain buffer one can use M-x org-store-link to find the correct syntax for linking to that file. For linking to internal documentation you can use the following links: info:elisp#...
Daniel's user avatar
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10 votes

How to view package Full Description (commentary section) inside Emacs

M-x finder-commentary RET <library-name> RET extracts that section and presents it in a separate buffer for reading. There is also M-x finder-by-keyword for discovering libraries this way.
wasamasa's user avatar
  • 22.4k
10 votes

How to discover (standard) function names?

Apropos help in Emacs is by no means limited to function apropos. M-x apropos documentation. It lets you match keywords or a regexp against doc strings. Very helpful when you don't know how the ...
Drew's user avatar
  • 79.1k
9 votes

Are the graphical depictions in docs drawed in manual labour?

Included with emacs is a basic tool called picture-mode: To edit a picture made out of text characters (for example, a picture of the division of a register into fields, as a comment in a program)...
JeanPierre's user avatar
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8 votes

How to display overlay like this screencast?

Indeed it does accomplish that behavior using overlays. Specifically- it uses the 'after-string property to show the documentation (see: Overlay Properties). If you examine the function company-coq--...
ebpa's user avatar
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6 votes

How was the Emacs Manual typed?

It was typed in texinfo. See here:
user33593's user avatar
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5 votes

EMACS shell mode that supports annotations

Use Literate DevOps Method I recommend using the literate devops method via org-mode, that @phils suggested in the comments, because of the ease of use and adaptable workflow. Example Workflow ...
Melioratus's user avatar
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5 votes

Docstring - quotes or semicolons?

That is NOT a comment: that's the doc string of the function. The doc string of the function is what you get when you ask for help on the function: C-h f org-before-change-function will show some ...
NickD's user avatar
  • 33.6k
4 votes

Doxygen support

I just released a package for highlighting Doxygen comments. In addition to highlighting Doxygen commands and their arguments, it highlights code examples according to the language they are written in....
Lindydancer's user avatar
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4 votes

How to view package Full Description (commentary section) inside Emacs

I'm looking for a way to visualize inside Emacs the Full Description of a package as shown in Elpa index page. You're looking for describe-package.
npostavs's user avatar
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4 votes

Temporarily show the documentation for a emacs lisp function

I use eldoc, this screenshot shows the first line of concat's docstring: (define-advice elisp-get-fnsym-args-string (:around (orig-fun sym &rest r) docstring) "If SYM is a function, append its ...
xuchunyang's user avatar
  • 14.8k
4 votes

How to remove "see" from info links / cross-references?

I was looking for the variable Info-hide-note-references. Specifically, setting it to 'hide results in the behavior I want. The Sphinx FAQ goes into more detail about this, and suggests the following ...
Felipe's user avatar
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4 votes

Confused by the Emacs Lisp doc : Adjusting Point After Commands

(Please state your Emacs version, and name the Info node in question: Adjusting Point.) You say: I am not sure those are the same things. If they are, I think they are not consistent expression, at ...
Drew's user avatar
  • 79.1k
3 votes

emacs' internal documentation missing info?

You need to consult your Linux distribution packages. eg in Debian many of the docs are bundled separately because of FSF policies. See here for more details.
RichieHH's user avatar
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3 votes

Docstrings don't automatically indent themselves in elpy-mode. How do I fix this?

elpy has a function elpy-open-and-indent-line-below which is binded to <S-return>. After """, you can hit <S-return> to open new line and indent automatically. You can use this at the end ...
Chillar Anand's user avatar
3 votes

How can I record where a function is defined if it's done indirectly?

I think, you can do one of two things: Define your own type to search for via find-func.el. This is how it's done in ert.el (Search for current-load-list and find-function-regexp-alist.) But I don't ...
politza's user avatar
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3 votes

What does "(which see)" mean in various Emacs help docstrings?

What does this mean? It's a suggestion from the documentation author to read the documentation of the thing it's referencing (ie. emacs-lock-default-locking-mode) Is it supposed to be rendered in a ...
nega's user avatar
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3 votes

Meaning of nils in font-lock-defaults

When in doubt, look at the source code. This variable is defined in font-core.el, so it is a good bet that the code which uses the variable is also in that file. A quick search turns up the function ...
db48x's user avatar
  • 19.1k
2 votes

hierarchy of modes

The (now built in!) hierarchy package has an example on how to do this. See:
Julian's user avatar
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2 votes

How to read proper formatted documentation for bookmark+ package?

You can view the doc on the Web, here: It is essentially the same doc as what is in bookmark+-doc.el, and it is just as up-to-date. It also shows ...
Drew's user avatar
  • 79.1k
2 votes

gdb Info manual

Apparently the doc in info format is not directly available. However the texinfo file (from wich the info file is generated) is included in the sources as doc/gdb.texinfo. So if you install gdb ...
JeanPierre's user avatar
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2 votes

Why Emacs using `dumping` during building?

I heard that the primary reason is performance. temacs is a stub of emacs that lacks most of the editing functionality, but does possess the ability to compile and load elisp. The editing ...
daveloyall's user avatar
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2 votes

Confused by the Emacs Lisp doc : Adjusting Point After Commands

Although you don't pose a straight question, it's hard to give an answer. However, I'll try to give some background. Text in Emacs can have text properties. They are simply a pair of a key and a ...
Lindydancer's user avatar
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2 votes

Documentation for mode-line-emphasis and mode-line-interactive

They are faces. See the Emacs manual, node Faces. See node Faces in the Elisp manual to learn about how to investigate and manipulate faces using Emacs Lisp. Command list-faces-display shows you the ...
Drew's user avatar
  • 79.1k
2 votes

How do I get the Emacs Lisp Intro manual in my info system?

Using my psychic debugging hat I will guess that you are using Ubuntu or another Linux distribution based on Debian. Debian is infamous for declaring that the Emacs manuals are not Free and therefore ...
db48x's user avatar
  • 19.1k
1 vote

Temporarily show the documentation for a emacs lisp function

The user [email protected]#emacs provided the following implementation of a function that shows the documentation in the echo area at the bottom of emacs: (defun showdoc (f) (interactive (list ...
Rovanion's user avatar
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1 vote

How to get help on Doom's own functions

If you are using Ivy, this is expected. Ivy's user manual states that Ivy uses the exclamation mark for regex negation: Ivy supports regexp negation with "!". For example, "define key !...
Dargscisyhp's user avatar
1 vote

Getting Helm describe-function/describe-variable’s secondary to work like helm-M-x?

You should use M-x helm-apropos (in the helm-elisp.el library), which you can use to describe commands, functions, variables and faces. Pressing C-j shows a preview of the documentation.
jagrg's user avatar
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1 vote

Is there a way to generally search package or language documentation within emacs?

There are solutions for specific languages (such as eldoc-mode), but since every language's documentation is in a different format and style, there is no general solution. For Rust use lsp-mode with ...
db48x's user avatar
  • 19.1k

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