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16 votes

Outlook Calendar in org agenda

I solved this myself using excorporate. To activate and integrate excorporate I used the following configuration in my .spacemacs (since I am using spacemacs) I added excorporate to dotspacemacs-...
bombadil's user avatar
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14 votes

Reading and writing email with emacs

Notmuch I use notmuch for my emails in emacs. It does only operate on local mails which needed to be stored one message per file and I use maildir folders to which my smtp-server delivers. It ...
11 votes

How to warn before sending email if Subject: is empty

One way is to hook into message-send-hook: message-send-hook is a variable defined in ‘message.el’. Its value is nil This variable may be risky if used as a file-local variable. Documentation: ...
Basil's user avatar
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7 votes

Reading and writing email with emacs

WANDERLUST: FEATURES: Implementation in elisp only. Support of IMAP4rev1, NNTP, POP(POP3/APOP), MH and Maildir. Integrated access to messages based on ...
lawlist's user avatar
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7 votes

mu4e: how to stop the unarchiving of entire threads when new message arrives?

You may have display of "related messages" turned on. Try pressing W (note: capital) while in your inbox (mu4e-headers-toggle-include-related) and seeing if those messages disappear. If this is what ...
Stuart Hickinbottom's user avatar
6 votes

`mu4e-contexts` multiple gmail accounts using incorrect smtp credentials

It's been almost two years since the question was asked, but I have just had the same problem and I managed to solve it using the smtpmail-smtp-user variable. In the manual it says: If the variable ...
mange's user avatar
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6 votes

How to prevent mu4e from checking mail when the internet is down?

Use wrapper shell script. Below please find trivial sample script checking connection status as reported by Unix/Linux NetworkManager. #!/bin/sh # exit if there is no internet connection /usr/bin/nm-...
AnFi's user avatar
5 votes

Upload ICS calendar file to Google Calendar

There is a command line interface to Google Calendar called gcalcli. You can install it using pip: pip install gcalcli In order to import calendar files, gcalcli requires the vobject library to be ...
legoscia's user avatar
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5 votes

How to prevent mu4e from checking mail when the internet is down?

(Posting this Q&A combo since it took me a while to figure out, and it might save someone else the trouble.) Based on this answer to a question on how to test for an internet connection within ...
Dan's user avatar
  • 33.4k
5 votes

Add date to mu4e email when forwarding or replying

mu4e uses message.el to edit the messages. The documentation for message-citation-line-function in that package shows: Function called to insert the "Whomever writes:" line. Predefined ...
Muihlinn's user avatar
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4 votes

GNUS - mark all articles in the thread as Unread

3.9.2 Thread Commands --------------------- ‘T k’ ‘C-M-k’ Mark all articles in the current (sub-)thread as read (‘gnus-summary-kill-thread’). If the prefix argument is positive, remove ...
Dmitry Alexandrov's user avatar
4 votes

Send in mail mode?

Inside any major mode you can type M-x describe-mode (C-h m) to view its description and key bindings. mail-mode reports: C-c C-s mail-send (send the message) C-c C-c mail-send-and-exit (send the ...
Basil's user avatar
  • 12.6k
4 votes

GNUS doesn't show all Mails

See Quoted: "But I strongly suggest using C-u RET in order to see all the mails instead of ...
chen bin's user avatar
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4 votes

Configure mu4e for Gmail-style citation (reply quoting)

You need to customize message-citation-line-function. Something like this would help (it may require date formatting to please your needs): (defun my/message-insert-citation-line () "Based off `...
Felipe Lema's user avatar
4 votes

Changing html renderer in Wanderlust

Following @lawlist's idea of digging through the code, I have found one possible answer. It is not entirely satisfactory, but good enough for the emails I have received so far. This answer relies on ...
Juanjo's user avatar
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4 votes

Trying to separate Private and Work email using mu4e contexts in emacs

There were a number of issues (mostly my ignorance) that causes at least some of my problems. Since this could happen to others, I'll post the solutions here. Things seem to be working fine ...
AstroFloyd's user avatar
4 votes

How to draft email programmatically?

Something as simple as this snippet will work, the only pitfall is that mu4e should be loaded before trying to select a context or it'll fail. From here you can "complicate" the thing as ...
Muihlinn's user avatar
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4 votes

Is it possible to avoid mail-related packages?

Emacs doesn’t depend on any of those things, so it should be. However, Emacs doesn’t make the packages, the distro does. If Ubuntu’s Emacs package has dependencies that don’t make sense then you need ...
db48x's user avatar
  • 19.1k
3 votes

how to do "mark-as-important" in mu4e?

I think you want to flag messages. Try using + in the headers view.
andrej's user avatar
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3 votes

Gnus fails to connect to GMail AUTHENTICATIONFAILED

You need generate a password for your application only (Gnus, in this case). See I finished setup for Gnus in 1 minute, even though I never use 2 ...
chen bin's user avatar
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3 votes

Remove attachments from emails

The solution given by @tmalsburg worked for me until I switched to the gnus-based message view, which is now the default. Below is my attempt to adapt this solution to the new view mode. Note that I ...
Sylphio's user avatar
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3 votes

How to export org files to plain text files as it looks like in clean view?

This gets pretty close I think although I haven't tested extensively: # -*- org-ascii-headline-spacing:(0 . 0); org-ascii-bullets:((ascii 42) (latin1 167) (utf-8 8226)) -*- #+OPTIONS: H:0 num:nil toc:...
Ollie Saunders's user avatar
3 votes

How to control quoting of original message when replying?

The intended way to achieve Gmail-style citations is the following: (with-eval-after-load 'message (setq message-cite-style message-cite-style-gmail)) Inspecting the value and documentation of the ...
Basil's user avatar
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3 votes

attach multiple files from the same directory to an email message?

I like to use helm-find-files for this. You navigate to where the files are, mark the ones you want with C-spc, and attach them with C-c C-a (or press tab and find the attach files to email action). ...
John Kitchin's user avatar
  • 12.1k
3 votes

attach multiple files from the same directory to an email message?

open up a GUI file browser and drag the files to your emacs draft window/buffer
user3357659's user avatar
3 votes

How can I get a mailto link in an org-mode latex export to PDF for the #+email: keyword

This seems kind of grungy but it works: #+latex_class: report #+options: author:nil email:nil #+latex_header: \author{Some user \thanks{\href{mailto:[email protected]}{[email protected]}}} Rest of your stuff ...
John Kitchin's user avatar
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3 votes

mu4e inbox update delay

mu4e farms out the actual email checking to an external program such as offlineimap. The variable mu4e-update-interval controls how often mu4e will call that program. Here's the docstring: ...
Dan's user avatar
  • 33.4k
3 votes

mu4e: open PDFs with pdf-tools

Recapping discussion in comments: Pressing A e, for "in-emacs", opens the attachment in PDFView. o e works exactly the same.
Heikki's user avatar
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3 votes

mu4e query search for emails larger than certain size

You can specify a size range: size:10M..100M or: size:10M.. Note that the manual you linked to is for mu4e, and only presents a subset of all the possible mu queries you can use. The complete list ...
jagrg's user avatar
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3 votes

Delete multiple emails (articles)

Mark the articles to be deleted with #.
Enrico Schumann's user avatar

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