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Upload ICS calendar file to Google Calendar

There is a command line interface to Google Calendar called gcalcli. You can install it using pip: pip install gcalcli In order to import calendar files, gcalcli requires the vobject library to be ...
legoscia's user avatar
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how to automatically open .ics file after org-icalendar-export-to-ics?

In conjunction with the assistance of the original poster in the comments above, here is the final solution: (defun org-icalendar-open-ics-file (file) (start-process "org-icalendar-open-ics-file-...
lawlist's user avatar
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org-mac-iCal not working

Ok, it turns out that all one has to fix is the version that the org-mac-iCal expects (namely, just add your Mac version directly in this line:
n_x_l's user avatar
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Export any entry as "Busy"

ox.el shows two variables that may be interesting to you: (defvar org-export-filter-parse-tree-functions nil "List of functions applied to the parsed tree. Each filter is called with three ...
Trevoke's user avatar
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Show Apple Calendar events in org-mode

Thanks for mentioning org-mac-iCal and I found someone forked and update the repo, here is the new repo link: I tested and it worked. Although I don't know why a ...
Yuji's user avatar
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Show Apple Calendar events in org-mode

Here are the settings I use for diary loaded into org-mode. You need to get urls for the apple calendars you want to show in org. I found the discussion by Adolfo Villafiorita very helpful. You'll ...
mclear's user avatar
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