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10 votes

Spacemacs use anaconda environment

Basically, this is a duplicate of this question. Reproducing the proposed behavior with spacemacs, I changed my user-init to: (defun dotspacemacs/user-init () (setenv "WORKON_HOME" "/home/<...
Michael Gecht's user avatar
9 votes

Integrating jupyter notebook (ipython) into org-mode notebook

Nathaniel Nicandro has recently released his emacs package jupyter to further integrate org-mode with jupyter. As mentioned in the readme: emacs-jupyter extends the features of ob-ipython by ...
prash's user avatar
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8 votes

How to set up elpy to use python3?

You can solve this by modifying the python shell configuration from python to python3 in elpy-config M-x elpy-config to enter the configuration page of elpy if you scroll down you will see groups ...
oksuzgonul's user avatar
7 votes

Dedicated Python Shell?

OK, so I figured this out (thanks largely to this answer). Now, rather than simply typing C-c C-p, I use C-u C-c C-p to get the options of specifying the Python command I want, and to select a ...
farenorth's user avatar
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6 votes

Ipython completion in elpy

I don't use eply, I use emacs 25.1.1 with company-jedi with the following: (setq python-shell-interpreter "ipython3" python-shell-interpreter-args "--simple-prompt --pprint") Inside emacs *Python* ...
eflanigan00's user avatar
6 votes

‘python-shell-interpreter’ doesn’t seem to support readline

The links you were reading are mostly about macOS and/or Emacs 25.1 and earlier. Unfortunately, the "native" completion won't work under Windows, as it lacks PTYs. So you should do (setq python-...
npostavs's user avatar
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5 votes

how to set ipython on a virtualenv?

Reading the docstring for the deprecated elpy-use-ipython, it points to that recommends the following setup for ipython: (setq python-...
Heikki's user avatar
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5 votes

orgmode - ipython output image not show in results

Your example works perfectly in my setup. First make sure ipython-ob is included in the babel-languages: in my case: (org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages '((python . t) (...
manandearth's user avatar
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4 votes

multi line inputs in ipython

I realize it's an old question, but since it was left unanswered, I will bring the fix I found here after running into the same issue. Make sure your version of IPython is at least 5.4 Install ...
S4M's user avatar
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4 votes

IPython doesn't echo code input

This seems to be a somewhat 'intricate' problem. The problem is that Emacs uses python-shell-send-string to retrieve all kinds of information from the interactive shell in the background. One of the '...
dalanicolai's user avatar
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3 votes

How to run blocks/cells of python code in emacs?

You can open a python process with M-x run-python or C-c C-p. Select the region (block) you want to execute and do a M-x python-shell-send-region or C-c C-r
djangoliv's user avatar
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3 votes

How to set up elpy to use python3?

Set the interpreter variable in your .emacs file: (setq python-shell-interpreter "python3" python-shell-interpreter-args "-i") Taken from elpy manual
init0's user avatar
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2 votes

How to run blocks/cells of python code in emacs?

This package might be of use to you: It offers the ability to highlight cell borders, execute code cell-by-cell with the #%% syntax used to delimit cells, and ...
ygtozc's user avatar
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2 votes

Integrating jupyter notebook (ipython) into org-mode notebook

Check out ob-ipython: An Emacs library that allows Org mode to evaluate code blocks using a Jupyter kernel (Python by default), it might be what you are looking for. Run code on remote ipython kernels ...
user3496846's user avatar
2 votes

Is there a way to show python generated plots in the python interpreter console?

You may wanna checkout ein. Also, spacemacs has a ipython-notebook layer setup based on that; perhaps you can use that as a reference for your own config.
TerryTsao's user avatar
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1 vote

How to run blocks/cells of python code in emacs?

I use ein, which stands for emacs ipython notebook. It is the jupyter notebook implementation for emacs. See ein doc. Just like jupyter you execute cells and get back the output. The cells are saved ...
manandearth's user avatar
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1 vote

ob-ipython error message while evaluating SRC block

On my system, this error happens because my jupyter installation is based on python3, while python-shell-interpreter in emacs is python. This can be fixed by running M-S-: (setq python-shell-...
suyashbire1's user avatar
1 vote

IPython doesn't work in a virtual environment

Referencing this issue from the elpy package, a solution to your problem may be adding the --simple-prompt and --pprint arguments to the python-shell-interpreter-args variable, like so: (setq python-...
colelemonz's user avatar
1 vote

Python-Repl issues with TRAMP Mode [windows->Linux]

Ended solving this by directly sending to the Python buffer. Hope it helps (setq tiqsi-python-buffer "*Python*") (defun send-py-line () (interactive) (let ((py-temp (thing-at-point 'line t))) ...
SerialDev's user avatar
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1 vote

Spacemacs Python Layer Invalid version syntax: '[?1034h4.0.0'

Ok, the lesson here is to take care with you system Python installation. I had conflicting Python version installed alternately via brew and from Anaconda. To resolve this I had to /usr/local/bin/...
Metropolis's user avatar
1 vote

Initialize ipython notebook server from .ipynb file

There is ein:jupyter-server-start, which should do as you want. It should drop you directly onto the notebook list, from which the notebooks are easily accessible. If you are particularly lucky ein ...
serv-inc's user avatar
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multi line inputs in ipython

You can use %cpaste and -- to tell ipython to expect multiple lines: In [1]: %cpaste Pasting code; enter '--' alone on the line to stop or use Ctrl-D. :def foo(): : return 1 : :-- Alternatively, ...
Wilfred Hughes's user avatar
1 vote

Error when opening IPython notebook list using EIN

There is a current EIN that took over. On Emacs 25, it works out of the box. Usage Install from MELPA. For manual install, put Emacs lisp ein*.el files and Python file in your ...
serv-inc's user avatar
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Emacs EIN vs IPython shell

There is a new version of EIN that replaced the old one on MELPA. On Emacs 25 and up, it works out of the box. Emacs 24 needs to upgrade, though, see
serv-inc's user avatar
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ein failed to login to 8888

I ran into this problem and found that the issue was with the token that jupyter notebooks now use. I disabled the token per this GitHub issue. I'm reproducing the instructions below: cd ~/.jupyter ...
InfiniteExistence's user avatar
1 vote

ein failed to login to 8888

"GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.10.7) EIN only works on Emacs 25. See If perchance you use a Ubuntu derivative, ...
serv-inc's user avatar
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1 vote

Emacs python can not update imported files?

I have solved this problem. First method: In ipython console, type %load_ext autoreaload %autoreload 2 Second method: Create configuration "dev" (or whatever): ipython profile create dev [...
Zimou Zhang's user avatar
1 vote

How can I access the :file src header argument inside the src block

You could wrap the output with next code and create file and link after block #+name: attr_wrap #+begin_src sh :session :var file=/tmp/py87133eo.png echo "$data" > /tmp/$file ln -s /tmp/$file /...
Konstantin Morenko's user avatar
1 vote

python emacs interpreter doesn't pause for input in loops

This issue was brought up to the ipython team. It sounds unlikely that there will be progress from that side. One option they suggest is reinstalling ipython 4.x (for instance in an Anaconda prompt ...
Topher's user avatar
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1 vote

ein + ipython non-responsive with python 'raw_input'

I am using emacs 25.2 In my case I tink that this was the problem I solved setting up Python 3 and installing python-mode. Note that in Python 3 ...
Nisba's user avatar
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