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An Info Index link that can be reached via ^X^E corresponds to (info "(emacs) Unibyte Mode")^X^E So what does
Dan Jacobson's user avatar
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Cryptic entry in the info manual

I'm trying to understand something in the info manual. The description of the variable Info-enable-active-nodes opens more questions than it answers. This is from the Info tool manual (at the bottom ...
Marek GorgWilde's user avatar
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Does the Emacs manual recommend the Latin-1 language environment over utf-8?

In the Emacs Manual (50.4.2) as an example of init file examples we have this by Richard Stallaman: Set up defaults for the Latin-1 character set, which supports most of the languages of Western ...
Edman's user avatar
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How do I get the Emacs Lisp Intro manual in my info system?

I recently switched to Doom Emacs and went to find the "Emacs Lisp Intro Manual", and it's not in there. Is there a way to add it? Or, am I just looking in the wrong place?
sergio_101's user avatar
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Org-mode manual for header arguments is down

Does anyone know how to proceed? I'm searching for some information that was there. I don't know who to contact.
BuddhiLW's user avatar
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Why I cannot find `Emacs Lisp Intro` inside info mode?

I am trying to read the Emacs Lisp Intro inside Emacs. I am following the advice on Emacs wiki: Read the Emacs Lisp Introduction: EmacsLispIntro. Use ‘C-h i’ (‘info’), then choose ‘Emacs Lisp Intro’. ...
Pedro Delfino's user avatar
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How was the Emacs Manual typed?

I have a beautiful hardcopy of the Emacs Manual printed by the FSF. I was wondering if anyone knew how this document was created in Emacs and what mode was used for its creation? I would also be ...
Edman's user avatar
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What's :eval (colon eval) in defcustom?

I am reading this Elisp library and can't figure out what :eval is.
fast tooth's user avatar
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special form or macro? eval-when-compile, eval-and-compile

Is eval-when-compile a special form (primitive in C), or a macro? According to the elisp manual, C-h S eval-when-compile RET, Special Form: eval-when-compile body... But according to C-h f eval-when-...
ivan's user avatar
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emacs lisp manual

What does this text mean, in node Simple Lambda Expression Example of the Emacs Lisp manual: As these examples show, you can use a form with a lambda expression as its car to make local variables and ...
uanr81's user avatar
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Open the manuals in the default web browser without accessing the internet

I am talking about this to be precise. Suppose there are an emacs installation and a web browser on an X session (desktop). I know you can open the manuals in emacs itself using M-x info, but is it ...
nomad's user avatar
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Info manuals not listed in Termux

I have Emacs installed through Termux. The Emacs manuals (, etc.) are located at /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/info/. I can open them with find-file. I don't see them with C-h ...
Lorem Ipsum's user avatar
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How to see manual for god-mode and other packages?

I installed god-mode and I can't see any manuals to learn how to use it. Also how do I enter insert mode? god-mode is unusable without it
I dont want to say's user avatar
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How to make man replace the same buffer?

Instead of open many buffers I wish to have the same buffer for all calls to the man.
Francesco Cadei's user avatar
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Search all of my info files

In GNU Emacs 25.2.2 on Ubuntu 17.10, emacs -Q: (info "(gnus) The Gnus Registry") finds the right page. M-x info-apropos RET gnus registry RET finds nothing. Is there a command I can use to search ...
Hatshepsut's user avatar
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How to generate emacs manual to pdf by myself?

Are there any off-the-rack way to generate a pdf version GNU Emacs Manual (and other manuals GNU Emacs brings with) from GNU Emacs source code or the texinfo files by myself? I've found a free ...
cmal's user avatar
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Why is the Magit M Remote pop-up different than what is shown in the Magit manual?

The Magit manual, 7.1.1 The Remote Popup, describes the following three commands, but they do not appear in my 'M' popup: M C (magit-remote-config-popup) M p (magit-remote-prune) M P (magit-...
wolfv's user avatar
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Emacs can not access its own manual

I just installed Emacs 25.2 on my computer, but I can not access its manual. when I press C-h r this screen opens which lacks any links related to the Emacs manual. Futhermore, the echo area displays ...
ذوالفقار عبد الحليم's user avatar
7 votes
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Can you directly open the Org Mode manual in the Emacs client?

In your Emacs client you can find the Org Mode manual landing page, as seen online, in a roundabout way: C-h r m Org Organizer RET f (org)Agenda Views RET u Is there a way of opening the Org Mode ...
TheOddsFavourUs's user avatar
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gdb Info manual

I can't seem to find the gdb Info manual file on the documentation page for gdb, which only seems to have a PDF version and an online version. I've found and manually installed several other ...
yroc's user avatar
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How to view ediff (and other) manuals within emacs?

I want to learn how to use a built in package (e.g. ediff). This built-in package has an online manual in html, but presumably this content is also available from within emacs. How do I view it ...
cammil's user avatar
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In the help page of a function/variable, how to jump to the corresponding part in the manual?

Sometimes the doc is just confusing without proper background knowledge mentioned in the manual (Info). How to jump to the manual from the help buffer?
xuhdev's user avatar
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Why some packages included with Emacs don't have their documentation in the main manual?

I wanted to read the Ido documentation offline from Emacs. I read in the NEWS file of Emacs 24.5 that since the 24.4 version an "Ido user manual is now included" (line 608). But it was not possible ...
smonff's user avatar
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Quack mode is unable to find local manuals

I've been interested in trying out Quack mode in my Scheme environment recently, but have been running into some problems with its keyword documentation. According to quack.el, invoking quack-view-...
GDP2's user avatar
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Older versions of manuals

Emacs manuals (such as the Emacs Lisp Reference Manual are provided at a .../emacs/manual/<manual-name>.html URL. Surprisingly, the version number that the manual applies to is not part of the ...
Tianxiang Xiong's user avatar