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Questions tagged [ido]

Ido provides a very convenient way to find files and switch buffers in Emacs.

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How to prompt for a virtual buffer (recently killed file buffer) using Ido completion?

When ido-use-virtual-buffers is set to t, ido-switch-buffer shows, after the list of live buffers, a list of killed file buffers in chronological order, last killed first. Those are what Ido calls ...
Arch Stanton's user avatar
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Re-visit a file whose buffer I just killed [duplicate]

I've not found any straightforward way to re-visit a file whose buffer I just killed. Sort of like undoing the killing of the buffer. I thought about getting the file's path from Ido's virtual buffers ...
Arch Stanton's user avatar
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Ido only shows directories and no files

When I am using ido, it only shows the folders and not the files within the folders. I have the following code in the init.el file: ;;Setup ido ...
Anton's user avatar
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read-file-name: input an non-existing file with a default name in ido

I'd like to ask to the user where to save a .png file, where I provide some defaults, like: (read-file-name "Picture name:" "/tmp" "mydefaultname.png") (ideally in a ...
tobiasBora's user avatar
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`ido-find-file` always trigger `ido-reread-directory`

Tried following this answer, but did not work on Emacs27 (defadvice ido-find-file (before auto-refresh-ido nil activate) (setq ido-rescan t)) Also tried but did not work because when ido-reread-...
phoxd's user avatar
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How can I exit completing-read with the current string instead of a completion with fido?

Consider the following code: (fido-mode 1) (let ((answer (completing-read "Please enter nothing: " '("Something")))) (if (string= answer "") (message "You ...
Zeta's user avatar
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How to define a command to switch to the current candidate buffer in Ido?

I'm trying to write a command that I would call while using ido-switch-buffer or ido-kill-buffer to open the current candidate in another window. Ideally it would be able to open virtual buffers as ...
Arch Stanton's user avatar
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How to open full path of a file in ido-find-file?

I am looking to open a full path as fast as possible.Using ido-find-file makes it difficult. When I apply ido-find-file, following line show up. Find file: ~/folder/work Here I have a full path(ex: /...
alper's user avatar
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ido-find-file how to prevent `In this buffer, type RET to select the completion near point.` message to show up

I keep seeing following at the top of the buffer when I do: ido-find-file. In this buffer, type RET to select the completion near point. Possible completions are: Would it be possible to prevent ...
alper's user avatar
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How to remove empty space on ido-find-file's completions minibuffer window

When I use ido-find-file and press TAB I see the found filenames in a half windows size. Instead could it be compact, where can emtpy space removed? Ex: minimal.el: (ido-mode 1) (require 'consult) (...
alper's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it problematic to use simultaneously Helm and Ido-mode? What are the consequences?

I am new to Emacs. When I started using it 2 months ago, a co-worker suggested using helm which definitely improved my use of Emacs. In addition, I have been slowly reading the book Mastering Emacs, ...
Pedro Delfino's user avatar
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Open recent directories like Ido opens files

When I want to open a recent file, I use ido-find-find (C-x C-f) or ido-switch-buffer (C-x b) and type a few characters and Ido automatically finds the right file among the recent files I have visited....
Gradient's user avatar
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How show corresponding key binding of command during M-x completion?

Linux Mint 20 Emacs 27.2 ido-mode When I press M-x then show (ido-mode) the list of functions. Nice. But sometime it is not enough. I need to know what is keybinding for this functions. Is it ...
a_subscriber's user avatar
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How can I prevent `C-s` from invoking I-search while using Smex?

While using M-x ; by default C-s was binding to next line so I used to keep pressing C-s to toggle around. When I start using smex, C-s is now it is bound to I-search in some cases as follows: M-x ...
alper's user avatar
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Make ido-completing-map override minibuffer-inactive-mode-map

I'm trying to bind a key in ido-completing-map, and I want it to override the key-binding with the same key from minibuffer-inactive-mode-map. But the latter seems to take precedence. How can I remedy ...
Joon Kwon's user avatar
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How to disable keybinding (`\C-o`) in ido-find-file?

I want to disable key-binding \C-o on ido-find-file. If I press it generates ^J and completion does not completed so I want to disable it. I have tried following but it did not work. (defun ido-common-...
alper's user avatar
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ido-mode breaks docker-tramp completion in minibuffer, and opens wrong files

Somehow the following minimal emacs config breaks docker-tramp. Completion in the mini-buffer does not work for /docker:, nor the container ids/names like /docker:43893ad331df, and once you type out ...
Camden Narzt's user avatar
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How to delete backward word in find-file using ido?

I was using regular find-file, and have a current setup to delete a word, which was working inside find-file. (defun backward-delete-word (arg) "Delete characters backward until encountering the ...
alper's user avatar
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find-file using ido as case sensitive

I was using regular find-file, where when I type D and press tab it will consider case sensitive file names, such as and ignore others such as driver. I have enabled: (ido-mode 1). I ...
alper's user avatar
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Icomplete and Ido: Why are both in the codebase?

My question is pretty simple, and that is why Ido and Icomplete are both available in emacs. I find it very strange that the two modes exist together, seeing that they both do what is essentially the ...
SpecialBomb's user avatar
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Why aren't recently visited files at the front of the list for `ido-switch-buffer`?

I don't understand why, no matter what, scratch, Messages, Compile-Log etc are always the buffers that show up first. I use now this little function (defun ido-recentf-open () "Use `ido-completing-...
CD86's user avatar
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Why does ido, when used with recentf, show candidates in the order it does?

Wanting to stay simple as possible I refrain from using Helm or Ivy etc. and use IDO. Ido-switch-buffer is supposed to allow me to access recently opened buffers quite efficiently with the help of ...
CD86's user avatar
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Is there a way (a package?) to "redirect" pop-up menus to the minibuffer, ido, or completion buffer; either generic or flyspell-specific

Sometimes I must use Emacs (in X mode) over a network connection (for example, working on a cloud VM). I am pretty comfortable with the interface responsiveness inside a frame, although X is ...
kkm mistrusts SE's user avatar
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How to always show buffer in the new created frame?

My workflow is: I initialize emacs with a shortcut (in my ~/.i3/config I have a line like this bindcode $mod+49 exec emacsclient -c -n -q -a=''. I use By default it goes to, in ....
bladem's user avatar
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emacs ivy: disable ido completition

I am using GNU Emacs 26.2 and ivy from melpa. When I run M-x and enter: M-x magit-status ivy suggests: ido-enter-magit-status magit-status magit-status-mode I don't use use ido, I have no idea ...
user1244932's user avatar
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Setting the major mode of a new buffer interactively

When creating a new buffer via: C-x b NonExistentBufferName RET RET I would like Emacs to prompt me for the major mode this buffer is going to use upon opening. Moreover, I want Emacs to infer the ...
Dmitry Senin's user avatar
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Why ido mode automatically change current folder when create new file?

I want to create file credenentials.txt in folder d:/dev/GoogleDrive/_IPTV/Playlists/OttClub/ M-x C-x C-f Press "c" result: press "cr" result: As you can see Emacs change folder to d:/personal I ...
a_subscriber's user avatar
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Emacs flashes when changing buffer with `ido-switch-buffer`

When I change buffer via ido-switch-buffer and enter a python buffer my entire Emacs flashes visually for a second. If I handle other files the same way, it does not. What can be the reason for that? ...
CD86's user avatar
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ido mode keeps suggesting mismatching buffer name

Here is the relevant part of my configuration file: (require 'ido) (setq ido-enable-flex-matching t) (setq ido-everywhere t) (setq ido-auto-merge-work-directories-length -1) (ido-mode 1) The problem ...
nalzok's user avatar
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How to stop ido-find-file/ido-switch-buffer prioritising the current buffer/file?

For example, if I have a Test.cpp and a Test.h and one of them is open, ido-find-file will often suggest the already-open one first if I type "Test". Likewise when both are open and the current buffer ...
Sam Brightman's user avatar
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migrated from emacs 25 to 26.1: cannot force find-file/counsel-projectile-find-file to always open buffer in current window

Recently I migrated from emacs 25 to 26.1. Before I reached the window behaviour, where I could always open a file at the window at point. The most simple case to illustrate undesired behaviour: I ...
stlk's user avatar
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How select and kill desire many buffers in ido mode?

Emacs 26.1. ido, smex If I want to kill one buffer I use command C-x k Here result: As result I can kill ONE desire buffer. But suppose I need to kill the next buffers: build.gradle, approfile....
a_subscriber's user avatar
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What does 'ido-everywhere' actually do?

When reading about ido, we are instructed to add this to .emacs: (ido-everywhere t) The doc says that it Toggle use of Ido for all buffer/file reading. What does it mean? Everything seems to work ...
Gradient's user avatar
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Ido - how autocomplete everything?

Emacs 26.1 I use ido mode with same. It is work nice. But I need ido interactively autocomplete for : bookmarks shell history commands Is it possible?
a_subscriber's user avatar
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ido, smex , candidates: show directories with different color

emacs 26.1 , windows 10, ido mode, smex package M-x map And here result: smex show all candidates content text map Nice. It's work fine. But second candidates (mappings) is a directory. Rest of ...
a_subscriber's user avatar
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Recentf buffer is not interactively

windows 10, emacs 26.1 I use ido mode. in my init.el (require 'ido) (require 'ido-vertical-mode) (ido-use-virtual-buffers t) (ido-mode 1) (ido-vertical-mode 1) (setq ido-vertical-define-keys 'C-n-...
a_subscriber's user avatar
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Icicle: After load icicles the ido mode is gone?

windows 10, emacs 26.1, icicles Before Icicles when I type C-x C-f is show list of folders/files in ido mode. And it's very comfortable for me. But after I install Icicles and turn on icy-mode the ...
a_subscriber's user avatar
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ido-enabled find-file does not match an existing file name when I yank file name and directory

I enabled IDO mode in my emacs (version 25.2.1, Linux) and now I am trying to open a file. I am in the directory ~/foo . The file is ~/foo/baz/bar.cpp and it does exist. I have baz/bar.cpp in my ...
Arkadiy's user avatar
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How to get vanilla find-file in Spacemacs

Even when i M-x find-file I get the Helm stuff. I usally also want that, it's just with some Tramp stuff I think there are Problems. How to get the plain old find-files from vanilla emacs in ...
Steffen's user avatar
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`Ido-completing-read` word by word in the minibuffer

I'd like to use something like ido-completing-read in the minibuffer, but on a per-word basis. Here is an example. If I provide a list ("tag:important " "tag:work" "subject" "from"), I'd like to be ...
tobiasBora's user avatar
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Can counsel functions use ido-flex style matching?

I've gotten so used to (setq ido-enable-flex-matching t) that I really notice its absence in various counsel-FOO functions. Is there a way to turn on flex matching for counsel? I haven’t been able ...
purple_arrows's user avatar
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When using C-x C-f turn off the suggestions

When i do C-x C-f to create a new file in the directory A, if emacs finds another file in another directory (say B) with exact same name, in the mini-buffer it changes the path to the other existing ...
user avatar
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Emacs - suppress Completion Buffer

In Emacs, I don't want the *Completions* buffer to pop up, even when I press tab to autocomplete in the minibuffer and there are multiple results. It's distracting and jarring. How can I do this? ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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How to exclude bookmarks from ido virtual buffers?

I just put (setq ido-use-virtual-buffers t) in my init file. It seems ido virtual buffers includes my bookmarks after I use bookmark-jump. How could I make ido virtual buffers only includes my ...
kermit's user avatar
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IDO rebind C-j to C-<RET>

How to set it? I tried (add-hook 'ido-setup-hook (lambda () (local-set-key (kbd "C-<RET>") 'ido-select-text))) and (define-key ido-common-completion-map (kbd "C-<...
dev1223's user avatar
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IDO mode: How to go to beginning of line in minibuffer?

When using IDO mode when I start searching for files it always begins in the working directory of my current file. Usually I like this, however, if I want to search in a significantly different ...
Startec's user avatar
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magit + ido: do not offer tags in completing read?

Q: how can I get magit + ido to ignore tags when checking out a branch? I'm using magit + ido. When I go to check out a branch, ido helpfully gives me the names of all existing branches, but it also ...
Dan's user avatar
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is there some sort of namespace(or filter) for files and buffers per frame available?

Using emacs in daemon mode is fine, because you only pay startup time once. But after a while the buffer and file list is getting filled. So is there a way to see only files which belong to the actual ...
jue's user avatar
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Edit org-mode tags using ido or ivy completion

I'd like to try a different method of specifying tags than the built-in single character codes. How can I tag headings using ido or ivy completion? I think I would like at least two commands: ...
Croad Langshan's user avatar
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distinguish ido/ivy's virtual-buffers with equal names using directory?

I really like the ido-use-virtual-buffers/ivy-use-virtual-buffers features, but unfortunately if you have five files named style.css in different projects, it is less useful. With already-opened ...
unhammer's user avatar
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