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Show only today's tasks in org-agenda

COMPATIBLE WITH ORG-MODE 9.0.3 The function org-agenda-skip-deadline-if-not-today is designed to be used in conjunction with the org-agenda-skip-function and an agenda entry in the org-agenda-custom-...
lawlist's user avatar
  • 19.5k
6 votes

When creating an org-agenda-custom-commands command, how can I make the (agenda) portion only display certain tags?

This can be done using built in tools using org-agenda-skip-function (I've used this answer on Stack Overflow in the past). If you don't mind external packages, org-super-agenda makes this easy: (...
erikstokes's user avatar
4 votes

Show only today's tasks in org-agenda

I am answering my question that I asked long time ago. A new package which name orq-ql is also lead us to desired situation. Additionally provides many like filtering, ordering etc on-the-fly. You ...
itirazimvar's user avatar
4 votes

get header with todo keyword

Another approach could be using org-ql. Here an example that should match your original question: (require 'org-ql) (org-ql-query :select #'org-get-heading :from "/tmp/" :where '...
larsen's user avatar
  • 231
3 votes

get header with todo keyword

The simplest thing is to use isearch and look for IN-PROGRESS, then eyeball the heading to see if it's in a books hierarchy. Org mode files are plain text, so everything that applies to text applies ...
NickD's user avatar
  • 33.6k
3 votes

How to prompt user for tags and use the result in a org-ql-search function?

You can get all the buffer tags by calling org-get-buffer-tags. You can then combine that with completing-read whose doc string reads as follows: completing-read is a built-in function in ‘C source ...
NickD's user avatar
  • 33.6k
1 vote

Why is org-ql looking for gpg2 in a hardcoded path?

The value of epg-gpg-program was hardcoded to the path "/usr/bin/gpg2", probably because it was customized previously, so the setting is done in the file specified by the variable custom-...
NickD's user avatar
  • 33.6k
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Sprint Board and org-super-agenda : problems with DONE tasks

I found something which does almost exactly what I want, albeit not as an agenda command. The code that does it: (org-ql-search (org-agenda-files) '(ts-active :from "2022-04-25" :to "...
Jeff Templon's user avatar
1 vote

Viewing projects using `org-ql`

I think you need to add a t argument to the :super-groups. (defun my/view-projects () (interactive) (require 'org-ql) (org-ql-search (org-agenda-files) '(and (tags "project") ...
John Kitchin's user avatar
  • 12.1k
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Issues With org-ql and Searching Based On Property Inheritence

Oh duh, I guess I was trying to make things too complicated. This ended up working: (org-ql-block '(and (todo) (org-entry-get (point) "FEATURE_NUM" 'inherit))) Since ...
Tom Purl's user avatar
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Archive DONE tasks that are at least month after completion

I use this approach from the excellent page -- the whole of that page is worth a read, and Bernt Hansen deserves all the credit for this not me. This ...
Stuart Hickinbottom's user avatar

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