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21 votes

Emacs manuals are missing on Debian/Ubuntu

This is a great question! I've found the directions online to install it by hand unclear and, frankly, a bit of a pain (at least on Debian). On Debian... Emacs on Debian doesn't come with the Emacs ...
Lorem Ipsum's user avatar
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10 votes

Packages I never knew they existed cause problems

There was an issue with the latest straight.el commit. One way to fix it, is to update straight repo and getting latest version of straight , that ...
Tinker's user avatar
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4 votes

emacs minimal install for Ubuntu server use

Probably emacs24-nox is the package you want instead.
Willy Lee's user avatar
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4 votes

Using emacs-snapshot from ppa:ubuntu-elisp/ppa on 22.04

This means that it was compiled with pure-GTK (Wayland). You are seeing this warning as you are using X instead. I am not aware of another ppa, but there probably is one. Just Compile it Yourself I ...
Hubisan's user avatar
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3 votes

Emacs manuals are missing on Debian/Ubuntu

Ubuntu 1. Download to your /usr/share/info directory. 2. From a terminal run update-info-dir command. 3. From emacs C-h i m Elisp (capital ...
James Wilson's user avatar
3 votes

Using emacs-snapshot from ppa:ubuntu-elisp/ppa on 22.04

Currently, there are three ppa's: Kevin Kelley: unofficial builds from series 25.x to 28.x. Currently outdated with last published version stalled at 28.1. Although it has been a "default" ...
vitaminace33's user avatar
3 votes

Flycheck r-lintr doesn't find anything

Run C-c ! C-c for r-lintr and check the output. In my case, I discovered that flycheck was not finding the /home/user/.R/lintr_cache directory -- the problem went away once I created it.
ppanko's user avatar
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3 votes

Prebuilt Ubuntu Emacs "25.1"

For those who want to run stable emacs 25.1 on Ubuntu 16.10, I pulled the source package from zenity-proposed and pushed it to my ppa for yakkety, so you can install as follows: sudo add-apt-...
aap's user avatar
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3 votes

overrule conflicting system short cuts

You have to turn it off somewhere else higher in the stack. Emacs never receives the key events. Since you mention Ubuntu, it is probably a Gnome setting that you have to change. You could however be ...
db48x's user avatar
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2 votes

No such file or directory error on executing script

Assuming that ctrl-c ctrl-x is bound to execute-interpret, then the system should prompt you with the command to run, suggesting as a default /path/to the/script/ as a default. Edit this ...
icarus's user avatar
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2 votes

plantuml requires a header argument (Emacs 24 on Windows' Ubuntu Subsystem)

#+BEGIN_SRC plantuml :file my_file.jpg gives you a jpg file #+BEGIN_SRC plantuml :file my_file.png gives you a png file #+BEGIN_SRC plantuml :file my_file.txt gives you a txt file #+BEGIN_SRC ...
Raoul HATTERER's user avatar
2 votes

Emacs directory is not readable on Ubuntu

All files under /usr should be world-readable. They're system files that cam be obtained by anyone over the Internet, so there'd be no point in preventing local users from reading them. (There may be ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
2 votes

Using emacs-snapshot from ppa:ubuntu-elisp/ppa on 22.04

Another PPA for Emacs is the one from kelleyk. As of this writing, the latest version it has is 28.1, and it's not built with pgtk so Xorg users won't get that warning. If you're going to try this ...
g-gundam's user avatar
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2 votes

tramp mode on Ubuntu hangs while attempting ssh to

The command /usr/bin/ssh -o ControlPath=%C is used to check, whether your local ssh command accepts the ControlPath option. is a non-existing address; ssh shall return immediately with ...
Michael Albinus's user avatar
2 votes

How do I install An Introduction to Programming in Emacs Lisp?

I am not a Ubuntu user, on Debian this Elisp intro come from emacs-common-non-dfsg. I think that should do it :
gigiair's user avatar
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2 votes

Some key bindings don't work on Ubuntu 20.04

There’s nothing Emacs can do about that. File a bug report on the software further up the stack, such as your window manager or desktop environment.
db48x's user avatar
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1 vote

C-M-l locks the screen in Ubuntu

I accept the coments of @phils and @Stefan. We have to use ESC,if we are finding problem combination C-M-*.
Sreekumar R's user avatar
1 vote

Spacemacs crashing on start with Ubuntu 20.04

Addressed here. It's an issue with Emacs 26 using libraries from back in 18.04 that are not present in 20.04.
TomLisankie's user avatar
1 vote

How can I use the function debian-run-directories in Ubuntu 18?

Ubuntu 18.04 does not have emacs 26 in its repositories, so it has been installed from source or from a ppa that doesn't include the debian patches. The function debian-run-directories is defined in ...
matteol's user avatar
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1 vote

Emacs terminal - the location before the command prompt

The problem ended up being in my .bashrc file in my home directory. The issue was the PS1 value under the case "$TERM" in clause had somehow been modified. I changed this value to PS1='${debian_chroot:...
Andrew's user avatar
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1 vote

How to install and use exwm (the emacs based window manager) in Ubuntu 19.04?

You need to create /usr/share/xsessions/emacs.desktop with the following content: [Desktop Entry] Name=EmacsWM Comment=Emacs Window Manager Exec=emacs Type=Application After that you should be able ...
clemera's user avatar
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1 vote

Does Emacs 26.3 require older version of ImageMagick?

Explanations The problem is not a dependency of Emacs 26.3, but a dependency of this specific compiled executable. The compiled executable that you have needs, which is ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
1 vote

Emacs installed with the Ubuntu application manager runs but isn't in the $PATH. Where is it?

On Ubuntu 18.04, the emacs package is a meta-package. If we look at it's dependancies... ❯ apt-cache show emacs |grep Depends Depends: emacs-gtk (>= 1:26.1) | emacs-lucid (>= 1:26.1) | emacs-...
nega's user avatar
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1 vote

Emacs multi-term support for version 25 - Ubuntu 18.04

The directory where you put multi-term.el needs to be in your load path. Add this to your .emacs before the 'require' call: (add-to-list 'load-path "/home/test/.emacs.d") EDIT This should fix your ...
Tyler's user avatar
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1 vote

plantuml requires a header argument (Emacs 24 on Windows' Ubuntu Subsystem)

I had the same issue. After looking at the source code I figured out it is expecting a file name as a parameter. This code should work: #+BEGIN_SRC plantuml :file plantuml.svg @startuml (*) --> "...
Jannik Becher's user avatar
1 vote

ESS not installable (Ubuntu 18.04)

For sake of completeness. A look at ESS on GitHub or r-sig-debian required me to download:
mfg's user avatar
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1 vote

How to open Emacs (Terminal) using key combinations?

You can define your own shortcut that executes the command x-terminal-emulator -e emacs -nw
matteol's user avatar
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Can not activate a virtual environment in emacs, but can through the usual shell

I think source/bin is not an executable. Maybe the good command is: . $PATH_TO_VIRTUALENV/bin/activate or source $PATH_TO_VIRTUALENV/bin/activate
djangoliv's user avatar
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1 vote

elpa certificate could not be verified

There are several possible ways that Emacs/TLS can be misconfigured but it seems likely this is simply a duplicate of the question you linked, especially given your distribution's GnuTLS version ...
Sam Brightman's user avatar
1 vote

How do I resolve Ubuntu 16.04 emacs v46.1 default versus compiled v25.2-1 "downgrade"?

In order to avoid conficts with the standard package you should give a custom name to the one you build, for example adding the suffix "local-build".
matteol's user avatar
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