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Paragraphs in regexps that are not defined in the minibuffer

I sometimes have epubs that I prefer reading in org-mode, so I convert them into text files and format them while reading. That leaves all the footnotes as bare numbers, so I used replace-regexp to ...
Alexander Praehauser's user avatar
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Replacing in nested regexps

I'm having to replace the configurations of keymaps in my use-package with define-key expressions and thought I'd use that to get more proficient with using regexp-replace. The situation is this: (:...
Alexander Praehauser's user avatar
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Regexp searches that repeatedly cover expressions

I'm just going through an old Latex-text I've written and wanted to use regexp-replace to make any pair of brackets containing at least one other pair of brackets into a \left(.*\right)-expression. ...
Alexander Praehauser's user avatar
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replace nth-match of a regexp in a string

I'm looking for a function that can replace the nth-match in a string. Here's an example. 2 is the index of the nth-match, [0-9]+ is the regular expression to search. foo is the replacement and "...
Rodrigo Morales's user avatar
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function needed to replace short, static list of keywords

In my workflow I copy emails into an orgmode file. I'd like to have head of the email formatted. In english emails (just as an explanation) I'd like to have *To:* instead of To:, because orgmode then ...
Keks Dose's user avatar
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Multiple regexp replace in string

I need to search for every declared variable in a string with format %^{var}, prompt a value and replace in place. (let ((primitive "(%^{size}, %^{center})")) (if (string-match "%^{\\(...
my_display_name's user avatar
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Regex to find and replace a specific character inside of multiple quoted strings in a string

Given an example string of JSON (formatted here for reading, actual input may or may not be formatted): { "page":1, "per_page":6, "total":12, "...
David's user avatar
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Switch a TeX \macro and a script on a region of text

How can I search and replace in a region of a (TeX)buffer all occurences of \macro{foo}_{bar} to \macro{foo_{bar}}, foo and bar not being "constants" ?
cjorssen's user avatar
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Replacing words using multiple rules

This function is supposed to replace matches with a shortened version using multiple rules rather than just a single one. For the word counter, coun gets replaced by k, resulting in the shortened ...
Dilna's user avatar
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Is it possible to mimic sed's "change line" feature?

I'd like to write an elisp function that allows me to replace any line in my buffer matching a regex pattern <PATTERN> with text <TEXT>. In other words, if line N matches <PATTERN>, ...
Brian Fitzpatrick's user avatar
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How to I replace several texts like (1), (2), (3) etc. with fixed text (1), fixed text (2), fixed text (3) in one go?

My text contains several occurrences like "(1)", "(2)", "(3)". I want to replace these with the general format like "fixed text (1)", "fixed text (2)",...
Masroor's user avatar
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Regexp replacement features

In the replacement part of :s in evil I can add commands like \l to lowercase the next char and \L to lowercase everything that follows, but I am unable to find documentation for that anywhere. I ...
xeruf's user avatar
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How can I fix my re-replace-region function in which match data gets clobbered?

I have an ancient function I've been using for decades which performs a regexp replacement in a region: (defun re-replace-region (begin end old new) "Replace occurrences of REGEXP with TO-STRING ...
Peter Fletcher's user avatar
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How to replace the first element of the `kill-ring` by a modification of it?

I am trying to modify the string that is to yanked My goal is to modify certains paths before yanking, in order to transform them in relative to path actual buffer file. Following this post, I tried ...
user1683620's user avatar
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replace-regexp-in-string: How to prepend a string to the entire string matched?

I am adding divider lines to certain sections of the reports generated by the binary ledger [ ] through the function ledger-do-report in the ledger-mode Lisp library [ ...
lawlist's user avatar
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How can I get the search string from incremental regexp search to use with replace regexp

If I want to do a replace-regexp I usually start with a isearch-forward-regexp so I can get immediate visual feedback on the search string. From there I'd like to grab the search string for using in ...
Michael Terry's user avatar
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Regex to replace subset of repeated pattern

ABC、DEF, GHI, JKL、MNO PQR、STU, VWX、YZ How do I replace all , s with 、 in the repeated pattern above? The repeated pattern can be mapped with the regex below: "^\\([A-Z]+、\\)\\(\\([A-Z]+\\), \\)+&...
Sati's user avatar
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Decode double-back-slashes-prefixed octal codes in 'utf-8

I have a string "\\303\\273" that I want to decode into û. It's known that (decode-coding-string "\303\273" 'utf-8) evals to û. However, I'm not able to translate "\\303\\273&...
Firmin Martin's user avatar
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Remove multiple blank lines in a buffer, leave one

I'd like to take a buffer which looks like this: one two three four five And turn it into this one two three four five I've tried using delete-blank-line, however, it will only effect the area ...
oneself's user avatar
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Programmatically find-and-replace custom sequence

I need to write a command which will apply to my buffer custom, predefined copy-and-replace sequence. What I have is: (defun custom-processor () "Formats logs to human-readable format" ((replace-...
supertramp's user avatar
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How to set a variable that matches different type of strings?

I have these strings: First Type: arXiv:1234.56789 arXiv:1234.56789v1 Second type: hep-th/123456789 hep-th.AB/12345689 hep-th/123456789v1 hep-th.AB/12345689 Belong to the second type even strings ...
Onner Irotsab's user avatar
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Query replace regexp with a distant match?

I have a single transcript file for a set of course lectures I am watching. After doing some formatting on the file. I have it broken up into sets of lessons where the main heading is the lesson title ...
dylanjm's user avatar
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Replace full-width numerals with half-width numerals

I'd like to convert numerals from half-width to full-width characters with a simple regex search and replace as follows: replace-regexp-in-string regexp rep string &optional fixedcase literal ...
Sati's user avatar
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Regex: Don't Match Text Between Curly Braces (LaTeX Commands)

I've been using pandoc and emacs to convert beamer presentations to markdown format. In the beamer presentations we highlighted certain code in example code blocks red. Pandoc has left me to get rid ...
dylanjm's user avatar
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How to paste a multiline regex from re-builder into `replace-regexp`

I built with M-x re-builder a regex to match empty quoted lines in emails. In read syntax it is: "^>\\s-*\n>" How can I copy this regex in re-builder, so that I can paste it in the first ...
halloleo's user avatar
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Emacs replace-regexp reference the match in the replace argument

Is there an easy way to use replace-regexp to do something like: XYZ001 XYZ002 XYZ003 to 'XYZ001' 'XYZ002' 'XYZ003' i.e. replace-regexp XYZ* 'XYZ*' Is replace-regexp the the wrong tool for the ...
Matt Messersmith's user avatar
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Elisp expressions in projectile-replace-regexp

I need to execute a regular expression with case conversion in a entire project. If I run query-replace-regexp in a single file informing '\([A-Z]+\)' and '\,(downcase \1)', it works as expected. But ...
Jesse's user avatar
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search and replace double space

I've only recently started using emacs, for professional reasons. I'm trying to replace all double spaces in a text file by single ones using regex. In C-M-s the expression \s-\{2\} matches two spaces ...
prof's user avatar
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3 answers

Regexp replace to match a string, but not match a superstring

Let's say I want to replace the string "Vector" by "VectorBase", but there are existing instances of "VectorBase". So I would like to omit "VectorBase". What is an elegant way to achieve this? An ...
hrkrshnn's user avatar
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How remove text before "," (include) in every lines?

suppose I has the next text: -1,0x0 Fireplace HD 1160,0x0 Music HD 719,1 HD -1,1 MUSIC CHANNEL 154,1+1 -1,100% News -1,100AutoMoto TV I need to remove text before "," (include ,) So the result must ...
a_subscriber's user avatar
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Function that does `M-x replace-regexp` or `M-x occur` with a fixed pattern and replacement strings

I often use M-x replace-regexp and M-x occur with some fixed regexp pattern and replacement string on many files. Doing it manually by opening each file in an Emacs buffer and hitting the keys is ...
Tim's user avatar
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Advanced search and replace

I have a file, with a lot of instances of ... fclose(f1); fclose(f2); fclose(f3); ... I'd like to replace these with ... if(fclose(f1)!=0) return 1; if(fclose(f2)!=0) return 1; if(fclose(f3)!=0) ...
Mikkel bruun's user avatar
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Create strings of a wordlist using replace-regexp

I have a word list with a lot of words that I want to convert into a json file. To do this I need to make them strings and add a comma in the end of all words. I figured it would be nice to use ...
Salviati's user avatar
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Using a predefined Regex on a yank

can you please help me to write a small emacs function? This is the first lisp function I am writing and I think I am getting confused with point and mark placement. I want to write a function that ...
Honigmelone's user avatar
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Produce \' in a string replacement

As you know, functions such as replace-regexp-in-string and replace-match have an argument LITERAL, meaning ... If optional ... arg LITERAL is non-nil, insert NEWTEXT literally. Otherwise treat ‘\’ ...
user1404316's user avatar
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Help with `replace-regexp-in-string`, to replace only first instance in every line

I have the following string: // const asdf = 'asdf' // // comment // const asdf2 = asdf And I want to run a regexp replace to make it look as follows: const asdf = 'asdf' // comment const asdf2 = ...
modulitos's user avatar
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Incrementally replace a given string

Let us say I have a text like so below: AC(nn) AC(nn) AC(nn) AC(nn) AC(nn) AC(nn) AC(nn) AC(nn) AC(nn) AC(nn) AC(nn) Now I want to replace the nn with numbers like so AC(0) AC(1) AC(2) AC(3) AC(4)...
Prasanna's user avatar
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Find/replace in differrent file extensions

Windows 10, Emacs 25.1, Dired+, xah-find I use package xah-find for find/replace text in many files. OK. It's work. If I want to find in all java files I use the next regexp: File path regex: \.java\...
Alex's user avatar
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Executing multiple replacement regexps against a string

I wanted to write a function that "auto-corrects" a string, based on a list of regular expressions and their respective replacements. I've come up with this, and it works: (setq auto-corrections-...
Torben's user avatar
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Using result of an Elisp function as input to replace-regexp in interactive mode

I am using replace-regexp interactively. Can I programmatically refer to a match or otherwise interpolate values in the replacement string? In Ruby, for example, it is easily done, by using the #{ <...
user1134991's user avatar
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elisp replace float number with half value

I need to replace below string: (24.0000,28.0000) .. controls (27.3100,28.0000) and (29.9800,25.3100) .. (29.9800,22.0000) to: (12,14) .. controls (13.655,14) and (14.99,12.655) .. (14.99,11) The ...
lucky1928's user avatar
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Query-replace-regexp alternative capable of handling nested braces?

TL;DR Is there some method in Emacs to replace text with nested braces/parentheses? Example I had a situation where I had to replace \dchi{ARG1}{ARG2} by \chi^{ARG2}(ARG1) For simple cases, ...
kdb's user avatar
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M-x replace-regexp uppercases words in replacement text based on the first letter present in the line

So, I have the following buffer: 1234 Red blue green yellow # colors orange Now, if I run M-x replace-regexp I get odd results. If I have the search string: ^\(.+\)$ and the replacement string: ...
junius's user avatar
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Arithmetics in a regex in a lisp function

I want to replace all hard column widths in several LaTeX-documents, e.g. replace {90mm} by {0.75\textwidth}. I already found out that you can use \, and #1 to so arithmetics on captured groups, like ...
Shylock's user avatar
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"Invalid use of '\' in replacement text" with non-interactive calls

It seems that replace-regexp has a different behavior if called interactively and not, but I do not understand why, and how to get the wanted behavior. What I want is the non-interactive equivalent ...
T. Verron's user avatar
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how can i do for replace a part of a regexp

For example i have this text: select * from T1 ; select * from T2 ; select * from T3 ; My objetive is replace the text by this other: select * from T1_H ; select * from T2_H ; select * from ...
Remployee's user avatar
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query-replace-regexp on specific lines

how does one do a query-replace-regexp to add a prefix string but not on EVERY line but rather just lines with text (or start with specific text?) i know how to add a prefix with query-replace-regexp ...
zeltak's user avatar
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How do I lowercase (downcase) a group with replace-regexp?

I have some text that looks like this: "CFName" "CLName" "CDOB" "CGender" I would like to get output where are of the text inside the double quotes is ...
Gregory Arenius's user avatar
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Regular expression matching group replacement not working

I want to convert .waitForVisible('.someselector') .click(); Into: .waitAndClick('.someselector'); Automatically in a lot of files. So I wrote: (defun hhaamm-replace-regexp-in-buffer (from to) (...
hhaamm's user avatar
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Programmatically replace all instances of regex with capture groups and sub-matches in buffer

It is clear to me how to programmatically replace all instances of regex in a buffer with some text, something like (pardon my naive code): (defun my/regex-global-replace (regex subst-text) "...
gsl's user avatar
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