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Install magit package failed to verify signature seq-2.24.tar.sig

New emacs user here. Trying to install magit, I ran into signature issues. I followed the instructions from and successfully installed gnu-elpa-keyring-update ...
Daniel's user avatar
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How can I install from GNU ELPA?

I'm trying to install cursor-undo on GNU ELPA, I just get: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Could not find package cursor-undo. Updating recip...") error("Could not find package %...
Jason Hunter's user avatar
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How to translate the fork keyword from straight.el to a melpa recipe?

Given the straight.el snippet below, I'm unable to make sense of the fork keyword in context of the melpa manual. How should I translate this snippet in order to use-package install it, without ...
jjk's user avatar
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Elpaca: problems with eglot version and flymake

I am using elpaca as my package manager. When I try to install flymake, using the use-package compatibility, I am getting the following error: eldoc installed version (1 13 0) lower than min required ...
0RI0N's user avatar
  • 11
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Melpa packages not loading

My init.el file looks like this: (require 'package) '(package-archives '(("melpa" . "") t ("gnu" . "
rogerl's user avatar
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package-install RET doom-themes RET no match

I want to install a theme library, the package is already installed but emacs does not recognize it. I have already installed the melpa packages and the gnu packages, as shown in the code below: (add-...
Bruno Ciccarino's user avatar
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"Package `elpy-' is unavailable with GNU Emacs 27.1 on Ubuntu 22.04

A couple of weeks ago I did a re-install of my Ubuntu and now I'm running into issues with my init file. See screenshot below. I'm quite puzzled, probably something trivial, but I'm missing it ... I'...
Ytsen de Boer's user avatar
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Unable to install packages due to run-hooks error

I'm getting a strange error when installing packages using package-install. I haven't really updated anything in my configs but package installation suddenly stopped working. Any pointers or ...
iwakura1ain's user avatar
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How to stop emacs from contacting melpa?

I have the following in my config: (require 'package) (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "")) (add-to-list 'package-archives '("gnu" ...
David's user avatar
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Dash library is installed but does not work

Dash appears to be installed (it shows as status "dependency") but I cannot use it: (-sum '(1 2 3)) ==> progn: Symbol’s function definition is void: -sum I tried to delete and reinstall ...
zeynel's user avatar
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3 votes
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How do I set package-vc-selected-packages to use a specific commit?

Emacs 29.1 introduced new functions to install packages directly from source. Configuring it to download from the latest commit works fine, but I can't find how to download from a specific commit ...
Balto's user avatar
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How to edit source code from elpa package and keep changes?

So today I installed a dashboard for emacs with M-x package-install RET dashboard. It works perfectly fine. I made some nice customization and it looks great! But by default, there are some messages (...
MySQLInjection's user avatar
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How to setup proxy in Emacs which rquires authentification to download packages from melpa?

I try to setup a corporate proxy in Emacs: in Bash I've setup the following environment variables: export http_proxy="http://my_login:[email protected]:8080";export https_proxy="http:...
major's user avatar
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Melpa packages not listed

On Mac OS, Emacs 28.2, I have the following lines at the top of my init.el (require 'package) (add-to-list 'package-archives '("org" . "") '("...
vpk's user avatar
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Problems enabling pdf-tools continuous-scroll with quelpa

My goal is to use org-pdftools as described in this blogpost. I started by trying to make pdf-tools work with continuous scrolling, but I'm running into various problems. It is getting way complicated ...
vpk's user avatar
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cannot update melpa `M-x package-refresh-contents`

I am a relative emacs-noob, but for a long time my emacs setup relying on use-package worked well. It still does, but I recently looked into using a few more packages and after following a trail of ...
Christoph Safferling's user avatar
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Prevent emacs from calling melpa/updating on startup

This is already the 2nd time I can't start emacs as one single package on a server can't be found. My current configuration works fine and I'd rather have a reliable system than one that is always up ...
Qohelet's user avatar
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How to install and setup lsp servers for vanilla emacs

I wanted to install lsp-servers in emacs to allow my transition from VS-Code easier, however, when I tried to install lsp-mode from MELPA, I got the following issue:
Saurav Chittal's user avatar
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Error while verifying signature archive-contents.sig: error and ı can not install gnu-elpa-keyring-update

ı am using emacs 28.2 in manjaro linux and ı got error like this Error while verifying signature archive-contents.sig: when ı install jedi with M-x shortcut ı am looking at to this url How to proceed ...
SilentHorse's user avatar
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Melpa package Ebib does not appear on the package list

I'd like to install the Ebib package, whose official homepage is: According to the Installation section on this homepage, The easiest way to install Ebib is to ...
Evan Aad's user avatar
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Why can't I install package yaml-mode on my Emacs via use-package declaration?

I am trying to install a package called yaml-mode on my Emacs. Basically, a syntax highlighting for .yaml files. My current syntax highlighters do not have support for yaml files, apparently. Hence, I ...
Pedro Delfino's user avatar
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Windows pdf-tools-install no such program: autoreconf

I'm trying to install pdf-tools on my Windows System, I'm using the same config as for Arch Linux where this error is fixed by installing the arch linux pdf-tools package via pacman. Obviously this is ...
Martin Stuwe's user avatar
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Given a melpa/elpa package, find other elpa/melpa libraries that depend on it

I am trying to use oauth2.el for some local shenanigans and would like to see how others are using it. Is there a way I can query elpa/melpa for dependencies to this (or any other package)?
zedoo's user avatar
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After updating my packages, two packages are not working anymore. How to solve this? Downgrading it? Bug reporting to maintainers? Fixing?

This is my config file. As you can see, on line 351, there is: ;; Update my Emacs' packages every week (use-package auto-package-update :custom (auto-package-update-interval 7) (auto-...
Pedro Delfino's user avatar
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wrong-type-argument listp \357\273\277 when working with packages

I use Emacs 27.2 on Windows 10. Working with packages used to work, but now I am getting Failed to download ‘gnu’ archive., when calling for instance M-x package-refresh-contents. I tried M-x toggle-...
krendelj's user avatar
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list-packages says certificate has expired. What I need to do?

I have not used Emacs for about six months. Today I tried to use M-x list-packages and there is an error, although I remember that there was no such error before: I use Emacs 27.1 on 32-bit Windows 7,...
john c. j.'s user avatar
1 vote
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Why can't I install projectile via use-package declaration?

I am watching a great YouTube series called Emacs From Scratch from System Crafters' YouTube channel. On episode #4, David Wilson talks about projectile. His screen shows: There is a pointer for the ...
Pedro Delfino's user avatar
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Cannot connect to MELPA

Right now, when I do M-x package-refresh-contents I get: Failed to download Melpa archive I tried toggling debug and doing the command again, and I get: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-...
cheryllium's user avatar
11 votes
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How to deal with this message : IMPORTANT: please install Org from GNU ELPA as Org ELPA will close before Org 9.6

This message occur when I open an org file. I've put this in my init file : (require 'package) (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "
gigiair's user avatar
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Themes and other options not loading from MELPA

While following a tutorial on editing python using Emacs ( I've been unable to install better-defaults, line numbers and any themes or return to ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Failed to download ‘melpa-stable’ archive. GnuTLS : Contacting host: 443

I am trying to install packages/modes from melpa on my emacs27.1, but I am unable to do so. If I run M-x package-refresh-contents , I get the following error : Importing package-keyring.gpg...done ...
Vignesh S's user avatar
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elpa package autoloads

I am having issues with autoloading of elpa packages under different versions of emacs (under macOS if that matters). My ~/.emacs.d is a link to somewhere else. Take as an example amx The loading ...
mmmmmm's user avatar
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Elpa + Melpa Certificate information issue at startup

I hadn't used Emacs for a few weeks and when I started it up I discovered issues with certificate information for elpa, melpa and orgmode. When I launch Emacs I get the following message: The TLS ...
twicetwice's user avatar
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problem connecting to melpa packages

I'm new to emacs, and I'm having problems when trying to set up my init.el file to connect to the melpa packages site. I'm using MacOS Big Sur version 11.6, and Emacs version 26.2 (9.0) since there ...
erik holmlund's user avatar
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Spacemacs 0.300: installing only with zip and tar.gz archives offline?

OS: Windows 10 Emacs: 27.2 Spacemacs: 0.300 For some reasons, I cannot retrieve spacemacs through git (a complex combination of corporate proxy and other issues). But I can download archives. Being on ...
Trad Dog's user avatar
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Error retrieving:

This is with the latest Emacs Version 27.2 (9.0) for Mac OS X: error in process sentinel: Error retrieving: (error connection-failed "connect" :...
clay's user avatar
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5 votes
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"Failed to download ‘melpa’ archive" when I run package-refresh-contents

Have started seeing this error after I installed a new version of Emacs. My package code in init file is (require 'package) (setq package-archives '(("gnu" . "
Andrew's user avatar
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How can I handle unfound ELPA packages?

Sometimes I encounter packages claiming to be on ELPA, yet neither package-install nor [1] or [2] list them. How do I know if the problem is on my or the contributor's side? Simply manually installing ...
jjk's user avatar
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Do MELPA packages get updated automatically?

The website says they do: Automatic updates - new commits result in new packages But I ask because if I go M-x list-packages and hit U there are many upgrades available for packages under the "...
mcp's user avatar
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Spacemacs, using a package not found in melpa

I want to use the package ox-ipynb in spacemacs. I tried adding under dotspacemacs-additional-packages, but I guess since it's not on melpa, spacemacs couldn't find it. I've also tried downloading ...
J.Doe's user avatar
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Why not store all .el/.elc Elpa files inside the same directory to speed up Emacs startup?

Would it not be possible to modify Emacs package system to store all Emacs Lisp files installed from Elpa-compliant packages inside the same directory? That would dramatically reduce the number of ...
PRouleau's user avatar
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Are all .el files inside ELPA compliant packages sharing the same namespace?

Assuming that a ELPA directory contains only one version of each Elpa-compliant packages, are the names of all Emacs Lisp files sharing the same namespace? AFAIK Emacs Lisp does not support the ...
PRouleau's user avatar
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Why does setting use-package-always-ensure cause Emacs to contact package repositories at startup?

I have the following in my init.el: (setq use-package-always-ensure t) because I want packages referenced by use-package to be downloaded automatically if I don't have them. When I enable this ...
joelittlejohn's user avatar
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Search ELPA/MELPA Package repositories

I know searching for packages in the ELPA/MELPA repositories might be available within emacs itself, but I'm just wondering, can I do the search on the Internet as well? Just like I know I can search ...
xpt's user avatar
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Why this "keybinding conflicts" message keeps appearing? How can I fix it?

After pressing M-x sly, I keep receiving this message: [sly] SLIME detected in 'lisp-mode-hook', causes keybinding conflicts. Remove it for this Emacs session? The odd thing is that SLIME is not ...
Pedro Delfino's user avatar
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Packages are broken

Almost any time I try to use packages, they fail for one reason or another. I did manage to install a package some time last year (2020) but not since. The has had a bad certificate ...
Peter Flynn's user avatar
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HTTP Error 400 returned when accessing MELPA package archive

I'm working on a VM running Centos 7 which ships with emacs 24.3. I wanted to install, use some newer packages requiring > 25.1 so I downloaded the source for emacs 25.2 and built it. When I try to ...
Frank P's user avatar
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Cannot load some modes via elpa

Some of my major modes, installed via ELPA, error during load as, for instance for markdown-mode, Debugger entered--Lisp error: (file-missing "Cannot open load file" "No such file or ...
Nordlöw's user avatar
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Trying to install scad-mode from package repository

This page suggests that the scad-mode package is installable from a package repository. But I tried adding to my package archives, but scad-mode still doesn't show ...
Faheem Mitha's user avatar
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Connect to Melpa on Port 80 in Setup Script

I'm trying to setup emacs in a docker image that I am creating. I would like to create the image with a particular melpa package installed. This is my Dockerfile: FROM ubuntu RUN apt-get update RUN ...
Campbell Hutcheson's user avatar

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